With more than 160 commands available, becoming a git expert takes time. But everyone has a few commands that they use frequently. In this post I’ll share mine.
I want a clean working directory, but I don’t want to lose my current changes.
# save the current state of the working directory
git stash
# apply the latest stashed change to your current working tree
git stash pop
# list stashed changes
git stash list
I messed up my last commit message.
# change the latest commit's message
git commit --amend -m "Fixed message"
I accidentally pushed a file. Now I want to remove it from the remote branch (but not from my local branch).
git rm --cached <file-path>
I made a bunch of changes to a file but I regret it 😱. I want to go back to the main branch version.
git checkout main <file-path>
I want to take a commit from one branch and apply it onto mine.
git cherry-pick <commit-hash>
I want my branch to be based off the most recent commit of the main branch.
# 1. Get the latest version of the main branch
git checkout main
git pull origin
# 2. Checkout your branch
git checkout <my-branch>
# 3. Replay your changes on top of the main branch
git rebase main
I want to squash the commits in my branch to a single commit, before opening a pull request to main.
Before squashing, make sure your development branch is based off the most recent commit of the main branch using rebase. Then:
# 1. Checkout your branch
git checkout <my-branch>
#2 squash commits
git rebase -i main
# The -i does an interactive rebase for you to move and squash commits.
I merged my branch into main but I want to rollback the merge
# 1. Checkout a new branch from the main branch
git checkout -b mybranch-rollback
# 2. Find out the commit hash that merged your branch to develop.
git log
# 3. Revert the merge commit
git revert -m 1 <commit-hash>
# 4. Push the changes to your new branch
git push origin mybranch-rollback
# 5. Open a pull request to main for your new branch
Top comments (1)
though the third block is what I do using vscode. now I know how to do it with a command! thank you!
Also we basically share the same most used commands, especially the git stash one. I don't know what I would do without that one