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Ricardo Canastro
Ricardo Canastro

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Javascript long-running tasks - Use CPU's idle periods

To provide a smooth user experience the browser needs to be able to render 60 frames per second, which means rendering a frame every 16ms. If you have long-running javascript tasks than you're going to start dropping frames, and that will be obvious if the user is scrolling or a animation is being rendered.

There are some techniques to avoid janking the UI, with the most common one being to move such tasks to a Web Worker. In this post I'm going to investigate a different approach: How to split work into chunks and use the CPU's idle periods process them. This technique is used by the React's team in their fiber architecture: the reconciliation of a tree can be interrupted to give way to a more priority work, improving the user's perceived performance.

Note: everything in this post is heavily inspired on react's fiber architecture (but in a very simplified approach). If you jump to the resources section you'll get some resources that can help you figuring out how react works.

Test case

A list of 100 000 nodes where the value of a node is computed based on the value of the previous node - when the user changes the first node every node in that chain will have to be recomputed, producing 99 999 nodes performing blocking computation.

Having a Node the following interface:

interface INode {
    id: string;
    value: number | null;
    previousId: string | null;
    nextId: string | null;
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Create a Map of nodes:

const nodes = new Map<INode>();
nodes.set('A1', {
  id: 'A1',
  nextId: 'A2',
  previousId: null,
  value: 99
nodes.set('A2', {
  id: 'A2',
  nextId: 'A3',
  previousId: 'A1',
  value: null


nodes.set('A100000', {
  id: 'A100000',
  nextId: null,
  previousId: 'A99999',
  value: null
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Our solution should support the following requirements:

  • No dropped frames, the page should be responsive at all times
  • Processing should be interruptable (either because new data was introduced or user wants to leave the page)
  • Should be as fast as possible given the previous constraints (if we split execution in chunks it will take a bit longer to process but the page will be responsive, and therefore the perceived performance will appear to be better)

How to measure the quality of our approach?

  • Create a simple app - I'll be using a app with Create React App;
  • Add a scrollable area, and some animations to be able to test user interaction;
  • Use async-render-toolbox chrome extensions to have a visual cue of the CPU lag;
  • Use devtools for some extra performance inspection;

Yes, its not very scientific... But what we really want to improve here is the perceived performance, and thats more a sensorial experience.

Use CPU's idle periods

The window.requestIdleCallback() method queues a function to be called during a browser's idle periods. This enables developers to perform background and low priority work on the main event loop, without impacting latency-critical events such as animation and input response. Functions are generally called in first-in-first-out order; however, callbacks which have a timeout specified may be called out-of-order if necessary in order to run them before the timeout elapses.

By calling requestIdleCallback we schedule a callback for the next CPU idle period. In that callback we can check how long we got left before the idle period ends by calling deadline.timeRemaining(). The maximium amount of idle time is 50ms, but most of the times we'll get less time than that depending on how busy the CPU is.

Using the timeRemaining and a constant max time for each calculation we can check if we have free time to do one more calc or reschedule to the next idle period. We'll schedule a new callback until there are no more tasks to execute. By processing our nodes this way, we make sure to not interrupt latency-critical events and provide a smooth user experience.

Schedule work

Since we're using CPU's idle time, the user can at anytime interact with the page and schedule a new piece of work. This means that we should keep a queue of pending work.

If a given node is being processed and a new work is scheduled for that same node, we should abort the current work and push that node to the end of the queue again:

interface IUnitOfWork {
    triggerNodeId: string;
    node: INode;

let workQueue: INode[] = [];
let nextUnitOfWork: IUnitOfWork | null = null;

function scheduleWork(node: INode): void {
     * Verify if there is already a work being
     * process that was triggered by the same node
    const isInProgress = nextUnitOfWork && nextUnitOfWork.triggerNodeId ===;

    if (isInProgress) {
        nextUnitOfWork = null;

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We're basing our approach on the CPU's available time, but how do we know that the time available is enough to do a unit of work? Well, thats a though cookie! The way this problem is currently attacked is by assuming a median time we usually take to process each unit of work and store it in a constant ENOUGH_TIME. This will require tweaking and it will be pretty specific to the work you'll have to do in your app.

const ENOUGH_TIME = 2; // in ms
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As we seen in the previous snippet when we schedule work we make a call to requestIdleCallback which will eventually call our performWork function. In this function we kickoff the workLoop.

The workLoop gets the next unit of work, if theres none it picks up a new node from the workQueue. And starts calling our performUnitOfWork function in a while loop until we reach a point where we think theres no more time left or there are no more units of work. The performUnitOfWork is your function that processes each node (not getting into details about this function here as is mostly dummy computations in this case).

Once the workLoop finishes we get back to the performLoop function and if there is still a nextUnitOfWork or a node in the workQueue, then we schedule a new idle callback and start the process all over.

function resetNextUnitOfWork() {
    const node = workQueue.shift();
    if (!node) return;

    nextUnitOfWork = { triggerNodeId:, node };

function workLoop(deadline: number): void {
    if (!nextUnitOfWork) {

    while (nextUnitOfWork && deadline.timeRemaining() > ENOUGH_TIME) {
        nextUnitOfWork = performUnitOfWork(nextUnitOfWork);

function performWork(deadline: number): void {

    if (nextUnitOfWork || workQueue.length > 0) {
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The blocking iteration approach is much faster to execute, but, as visible in next gif, it has a lot of drop frames. The page would be unresponsive for a while:

Regular version shows periods of janking UI

The idle callback approach takes longer to execute, its time of execution is not predictable as it depends on how busy the CPU is, but the page is responsive at all times and therefore the perceived performance might be much better:

Version using idle periods does not show perceivable janking periods

Check this video to see the result of the output of the sample created while writing this article.


In this isolated test it seems that the approach with requestIdleCallback checks our requirements.

If we're processing 100 calcs, the time to execution with idle does not vary much from the regular blocking operation, but if we're processing 100 000, the idle approach will take longer, but smoother. Its a tradeoff, that personally, I think its worth it.

There is though, a caveat, the browser support is not yet ideal... Its not yet supported by neither IE Edge or safari... Always those two, right? 😞 There are ways to shim it, such as this simple gist and react's approach, which is a more complex and robust.

But, there are a few topics that will require further exploration:

  • How well does this work integrated with react's scheduler?
  • According to @sebmarkbage most requestIdleCallback shims are not a accurate representation of what requestIdleCallback should do. Can we find a good shim or even use the one that react uses?
  • How does this compare with using webworkers (or other possible approaches)? - I hope to be able to answer this in future articles.


Disclaimer: Opinions are my own and not the views of my employer.

If you find any error, be it on my poor english or any technical detail, please don't be shy and tweet me about it. I'll try to continuously improve this blog post :simple_smile:

Top comments (3)

zyabxwcd profile image
Akash •

I was looking for this kind of article but I got lost. Things got confusing and I couldn't follow all the way through. Anyways, it was interesting to know about the fiber architecture and alternatives to the infamous WebWorkers. I'll give the article another go later. 😛

patriziobruno profile image
Patrizio Bruno •

Very interesting approach. I do prefer webworkers, but they can't access the DOM. This is a good alternative, when from your worker function you need to call a library that reads/writes the DOM.

canastro profile image
Ricardo Canastro • • Edited

Indeed webworkers are good solution for most of use-cases and I have used them way more often then this approach.

I haven't yet benchmark it yet (I hope I have time to do it), but passing data to the webworker and back adds some overhead. Depending on the type and amount of data that overhead might take a toll in time to execute and memory usage.