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Nandani Sharma for Canopas Software

Posted on • Originally published at


Building a Better Monorepo with TypeScript, Turborepo, or Nx


Monorepo is a software development strategy that creates shared libraries and dependencies in a single repository. Monorepos offers a solution for crucial dependency management by centralizing codebases, improving collaboration, and streamlining dependency management.

This article aims to explain the process of creating monorepos using well-known tools and technologies like TypeScript, Turborepo, and Nx, allowing you to choose the best tool based on your requirements.

Why Monorepo?

Imagine managing three separate applications for a project: a Web App, a Mobile App, and an Admin Panel. Each resides in its git repository and shares a common UI component library. Now think, when you need to update a critical button component for accessibility.

The process becomes a headache:

  • Update the component library and publish to NPM
  • Update each application one by one
  • Deal with version conflicts and dependencies
  • Ensure consistency across all projects

Sounds frustrating, right? This is where monorepos comes in—a simpler approach where all your projects live under one roof, making it easier to coordinate changes and maintain consistency across your codebase.

Let’s start with monorepos…

In the following sections, we will create basic utils monorepo which can be used anywhere in the project.

Monorepo with Typescript

In this section, we will build a monorepo manually using just TypeScript and npm.

Initialize the Project

  • Create a monorepo example directory and set the root project using the below commands,
npm init -y
npm install typescript
npm install --save-dev @types/node ts-node
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Organize Packages

Create a packages folder and a utils directory within it to act as a shared library.

mkdir -p packages/utils
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Init npm inside utils with scope @monorepo,

npm init --scope @monorepo --workspace ./packages/utils -y
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packages/utils/package.json will look like this,

  "name": "@monorepo/utils",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "main": "index.js",
  "devDependencies": {},
  "scripts": {
    "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
  "keywords": [],
  "author": "",
  "license": "ISC",
  "description": ""
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This will also add a workspace field in the root’s package.json like below. If you have multiple monorepos, you can update workspace using wildcards like "packages/*".

"workspaces": [
    "packages/utils" or "packages/*"
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Configure TypeScript

We need to configure typescript in both the directory root and packages,

npx tsc --init && cd packages/utils && npx tsc --init
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You can update baseDir and rootDir in packages/utils’s tsconfig.jsonas needed. In my case it is,

"rootDir": "./src",
"outDir": "./dist", // make sure to update main
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Note: Make sure to update the main field in the package.json based on your outDir. For me, it is dist/index.js .

  • As we need monorepo to be referenced in other projects, we need to add composite: true in utils/tsconfig.json .
  • Add utils reference in the project root’s tscofig.json
"compilerOptions": {...},
"references": [
     {"path": "./packages/utils" },
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For module resolution and path mapping, we will add the following in the root’s tsconfig.json

"compilerOptions": {
  "baseUrl": "./",              
  "paths": {
      "@monorepo/utiltest": ["packages/utils/*"],
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Add and Build Code

Write a sample function in packages/utils/src/index.ts

// packages/utils/src/index.ts

export function multiply(a: number, b: number): number {
    return a * b;
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Add "build": "tsc --build" in the root and utils package.json scripts, then build with npm run build.


  • Import @monorepo/utils into the root file to verify the function works as expected.
npm install @monorepo/utils
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  • You can use the monorepo package like below,
import { multiply } from "@monorepo/utils";

const result = multiply(2, 3);
console.log(`result: ${result}`);
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Yeah, You have created a basic monorepo setup. You can build as many as monorepos and use them like this.

When to Use?

Monorepo’s with only typescript is useful for small, simple projects or experimental purposes without requiring third-party tooling.

Next, let’s create monorepo with Turborepo.

Monorepo with Turborepo

Turborepo is a high-performance monorepo build tool that simplifies dependency management and speeds up builds through caching.

Follow the below steps to configure monorepo using Turborepo.

Set Up Turborepo

Install Turborepo as a dev dependency,

npm install turbo -D
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  • Add packageManager to each package.json to ensure compatibility with Turborepo.
"packageManager": "npm@<npm-version>",
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Configure Turborepo

Create a turbo.json in the root directory:

    "$schema": "",
    "tasks": {
      "build": {
        "dependsOn": ["^build"],
        "outputs": ["dist/**"]
      "dev": {
        "cache": false
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The tasks section defines tasks like build dependencies and caching behavior.

Add and Build Code

  • Add a data-transform package to illustrate Turborepo's dependency management.
  • Add code for transforming data in data-transform,
export function transformData(data: any): any {   
   return => ({ ...item, transformed: true })); 
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Build the entire project using,

npx turbo run build
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  • Turborepo automatically caches results, speeding up subsequent builds.


You can install @monorepo/data-transform into the root or utils package, and verify it's working as expected.

When to Use?

Ideal for mid-size projects that need optimized build times and clear dependency management.

Yeah! We've Successfully Built a Monorepo with TypeScript and Turborepo!

Ready to take it a step further with Nx? 🚀

Head over to our full blog to explore how to implement Monorepo with Nx and discover even more insights on effective monorepo management.

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Happy coding! 👋

Top comments (1)

aniruddhaadak profile image

Absolutely incredible! 😻.