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Carlos Castaneda
Carlos Castaneda

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TIL Blog Day 8 - Ruby Gym & Codewars

Over the last few days I got caught up in going through the different Tech Prep modules and I haven’t posted a blog lately.

I recently went through the Ruby Gym module. Overall it was a great experience. It gave me the chance to put into practice all the reading from the Intro to Ruby module. The best way to cement new ideas in your brain is through practice.

After I finished the Ruby Gym module I was still excited to practice my new found Ruby skills. I ended up going to site that I visit daily.


Codewars is a great platform to practice your coding skills regardless of the language. They offer 25+ languages that you can train on. Everyone starts with a ranking of 8 kyu. Kyu is a Japanese term used in martial arts to designate proficiency or experience, in Codewars you start at 8 kyu and work your way down to 1 kyu. You get points for solving coding challenges in your language of choice and you also get points for voting on challenges and even creating them. It’s a fun way to track your progress!

I started learning JavaScript last year and I found the challenges on Codewars to be rewarding. You can sort through the challenges and choose specific tags you want to focus on such as fundamentals, arrays, data structures, etc. Some challenges early on are simple and can be done in a few minutes. Other challenges can be complex and have taken me over 40 minutes to complete. I do at least one challenge a day and I’m currently a 3 kyu in JavaScript with over 600 challenges completed.

I recently started doing Ruby challenges and it is a great way to get your spaced repetition after learning new Ruby methods and concepts. If you feel like you could benefit from this platform please check it out!

Top comments (1)

samuellubliner profile image
Samuel Lubliner

Codewars looks fun!