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My journey with .NET starts today

Today starts a new chapter in my journey as a developer.
I haven't been coding for that long, barely a year, and most of the coding I've done has been with Javascript and the Node environment.
However, I've been feeling recently that I'm lacking this layer of knowledge about OOP and class languages, something that can be readily neglected when using only JS. That's why I had planned to learn Java after feeling some sort of fluency with JS - also to increase job opportunities.

Let's learn C sharp

Then I discovered how cool C# and .NET are. I mean, being able to build whatever you want and being able to develop a program for the platform you want using the same ecosystem. It's just so cool! The .NET ecosystem is also becoming quite popular and there is a big community out there where I can find support.
It's worth mentioning that I also had to change OS last month and go from iOS to Windows. So much frustration! I haven't really used Windows for almost 10 years and going back to it felt like having to learn to use a computer again: I missed so many functions from my old MacBook and it somehow felt like I had to do a lot of things myself.

This made me feel really uncomfortable, the fact that I felt an important gap in knowledge and seeing how jumping into a new platform was not as smooth as I expected.

As a developer, I believe it's necessary to feel comfortable with different platforms and be able to learn them quickly. This has motivated me to go Microsoft all the way and start developing with .NET on Windows.
This is crazy.

The reason for this post

dear diary

So I thought, why not start making notes about my progress? And why not make these notes public? After all, I'm about to start exploring a completely unknown world and bound to have many exciting days and just as many frustrating ones.

The reasons why I want to track and share my progress with the .NET ecosystem:

  1. Cringe intensely about my writing when I read this again in the future.
  2. Have a more structured way of learning.
  3. Help others in the same situation and motivate them.
  4. Make it easier to track progress and gain motivation from doing so.

First day coding with C

One word. Chaos.

Coming from the world of JavaScript and VS Code, there were so many concepts that were new to me. The C# syntax is so different. And then Visual Studio, oh man! Where are all those files coming from? and why do I have to go through all these steps only to create a file (class file?).
Yes, there are quite a lot of tools and concepts that are pretty much the same between programming languages and code editors, but it was still overwhelming.

Fortunately, I'm one of those people who can find excitement in chaos. It was fun to learn the basics. Or half of the basics, to be more accurate.
The best part is that I have already done all the necessary setup, I think. So from now on it'll be mostly code, only fun stuff.
I'm looking forward to tomorrow's workload.

Top comments (2)

mr_eking profile image
Eric King

Good luck, and I wish you well on your journey. C# + .NET is a LARGE TOPIC, so large that here I am over a dozen years later still learning new things every day. I hope you have as much fun with it as I have.

carlosch profile image

Thanks a lot, Eric!
Wow that many years! That's a healthy attitude: open to learning all the time.
I'm excited to develop more with .NET. I don't expect to know everything, but I can have fun while I learn what I can.