Vibe coding is coding while listening to 'reflex' thoughts and being ok with that. A while loop goes well here let me just add it and if it doesn't work I'll go out of my way later on to make it work. I'm not going back and change my thought, F that. On the other hand the developer may think a while loop goes well here and later on realize it is inefficient, at this moment the developer needs to step out of the original train of thought and change the approach to be correct.
Sometimes vibe coding can get you far relatively quick but it becomes code your colleagues pick on and you will not have the confidence to defend it properly. Like you give your colleagues a puzzle and they complain about why did you build such a difficult puzzle (no one at my current job complains which is pretty cool, difficult to find). Sometimes the complaints are in your mind too, no one really cares you used a different approach and you're here worrying about the non-existent issues your causing your colleague who's fixing your code.
I my opinion, fixing vibe code should be simple. Every developer should be vibe coding, screw coding 'the right way' the right way should be vibe coding every single time. The issue is getting to a point where vibe coding is your perfect coding. You don't vibe ride a bicycle you, once you know to ride a bicycle you just do it right without thinking about. That's how coding should be, you just put your hands on the keyboard and vibe code. Peace.
Conclusion, I do not really know what vibe coding is. It shows up often enough on my Threads that it made me write a post about it. In my experience Threads always has some made up term they want other users to define. This post is my made up definition of vibe coding. This is how my mind defined it based on my experience.
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