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Javascript Testing

This week we are going to have Lab 8 and along with the lab
it is also introducing a new tool to our SSG project. In lab 8, we are going to add testing functions for several functions that we have in our SSG. I somewhat have experience with this because one of my other course CCP555 has a lot of testing involved. The testing framework that was used in the program was Jest.


After watching the videos and reading through the lab instruction. I just chose the testing framework that I'm going to use in this Lab 8, which is Jest. And then I just install the Jest to my program by using the command npm install jest. I updated the "test" command in the package.json file in order for it to run correctly.

I then extracted the htmlGen function and placed is into its own file that being htmlGen.js, and modified my-button.js to import htmlGen as an external function.

I then started coding the testing functions. At first all I coded was the html good value functions. So I set up a total of 7 tests where for htmlGen():

  • test would generate a html result with a string html argument
  • test where it generates a html result with a string html argument
  • test the htmlGen() function with bad or empty value types (lang, title, html, string, footer)

In CCP555, I have already learned about coverage using npm run coverage. But what was new was setting it up so that coverage would print out a report.


There were several things I was already aware of since I have done some of this in previous labs in a different course. Though what was new to me was the capability of being able to print coverage
files into a report. I will probably make more use of this on different projects.

NOTE: I didn't squash it correctly therefor having several commits.

Test Function
htmlGen file
Adding Jest
Updatting my-button.js
Coverage Files

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