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Cent's Two Cents - Start

Hello everyone!

In an attempt to be more consistent with learning, I am going to start this blog to essentially summarize what I've done in the 60-90 minutes I take out of my day to learn.

I have started The Odin Project so a lot of the early blogs will be relatively simple, as we are going over the basic of basics (in my opinion of course). I've decided to go through everything again in order to solidify my foundation before I continue finishing the side projects I've started but never finished.

Before I describe what I went over today, I would like to describe a few of my goals for myself:

  1. Complete The Odin Project
  2. Finish my side projects (discord bot, ultimate bravery lor)
  3. Participate in more challenges (codepen challenges, challenges, maybe a hackathon)
  4. Update my portfolio site which i have not updated in years (my resume is included in this step)
  5. Find a job in web development (i work a a bank mainly using sql and unix. While nice, not really what i want to do as a career)

Now onto what I learned today.

I have started the foundations course for the odin project. As of now I have finished the introduction section, which includes how the course will work, how to interact with the community if you need help, and how to learn. I also just started the foundations section which will go over how the web works, and computer basics. I did go to a non standard college so I appreciate this overview from then.

One interested thing I've learned from these lessons is the pomodoro technique, which is essentially a 25 min study session then 5 minute break on repeat. When I studied as a student, I usually separate it by subjects, which means I could be going for only a few minutes or hours at a time. I'm going try to use this technique tomorrow so I can see if it can help my concentration.

That's all for today! Until tomorrow!

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