How to use map() to create React components through iteration.
In the previous article we saw how we can render a React component inside a parent component, passing some data (also called state) to an object called props
that is passed down to the child component from the parent component.What we did was render each child component one by one, like this:
<Student student={students[0]} />
<Student student={students[1]} />
<Student student={students[2]} />
This works but with a long list of objects to iterate over it quickly becomes unwieldy.
A better way to display this data is to use one of the iterator methods offered by Javascript arrays.The method we are going to use is map()
, that is available on any array.
takes a function as an argument and each element of the array is passed to this function one by one.The function takes the array element, does something with it, and then places the result in a new array.
At the end of the iteration, the original array is left untouched, and the method gives us a new array that has the same number of elements as the original array, but each element is modified by the function applied to them.
What does the argument function do with the elements?
It's up to us to decide what the function does.In our case, we want the function to return a Student component and we want to pass the student object from the array to the new Student component created.
Here's how we do it on one line of code:
{ => <Student student={student} />) }
- We take the students array and call
on it. -
takes an arrow function as an argument. - The arrow function takes as an argument each object in the students array in turn.
- In the body of the arrow function we create a new
component, and we pass the student object to the student property so it can be displayed in theStudent
component itself.
Note that inside the Student
component JSX syntax we must enclose the student
variable inside curly braces, because it's Javascript inside JSX.
This iteration will create a number of Student
components equal to the number of student
objects in the students
We can use a slightly different syntax to achieve the same result in a way that may be more clear.
Look at this code:
{ => (
<Student student={student} />
)) }
In this code example we put the component on its own line, for more clarity.
In order to do this we need to enclose the component into parenthesis. These parenthesis mean that this is an implicit return. If we left the parenthesis out we would get an error from the Javascript compiler.
Tomorrow we'll take a look at Class
components, another way to build components in React.
Top comments (1)
This article and its predecessor were both super helpful to me. Thanks, Cesare!