Internet and Web Addresses:
- To access a website on the world wide web, we use IP addresses
- Each Website has an associated IP address (This is similar to our home address)
- When we enter the IP addresses (we actually enter web address like which the browser converts into IP address) on a web browser, the web browser makes a query to the webserver (A computer that handles user requests and provides responses) and then downloads three files: an HTML file, a CSS file, and a javascript file.
- The web browser then takes these three files to show us the webpage
What is the HTML file?
- The HTML file is similar to the “stone bricks.” we use to build our house.
- i.e., Its only purpose is to define the structure of the webpage
For Example:
<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE> My Personal Website </TITLE> <HEAD> <BODY> Hello World, My name is Chandan. <BODY> </HTML>
In the above HTML snippet, we can see that the HTML tags provide a structure that identifies the webpage. In this case,
<TITLE> My Personal Website </TITLE>
This line ensures that the title of our website is called “My Personal Website"<BODY> Hello World, My name is Chandan </BODY>
This line ensures that the content or body of our website displays the line “Hello World, My name is Chandan”
What is the CSS file?
- The CSS tells the web browser how to present our HTML elements.
- i.e., it is similar to a hairstylist who gives shape, length, and color to our hair
For Example:
body{ color: lightgreen; background-color: grey; text-align: center }
The above example shows that HTML tells the web browser “WHAT” to display, and CSS tells the web browser “HOW” to show.
What is a JavaScript file?
- JS files provide the functionality or “actions” of a webpage.
- Without JavaScript, we can only display some content beautifully using HTML and CSS.
- But to provide some functionality, we need to use JavaScript.
For Example:
let entireDocumentVariable = document.querySelector("html"); entireDocumentVariable.addEventListener("click", () => alert("Hello, Welcome to my website"));
- Using javascript, we have written a functionality where a user clicks on any area inside the web page, and he is greeted with an alert saying, "Hello, Welcome to my website."
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Thanks for this detailed information 🤠
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