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Jane Radetska
Jane Radetska

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Performance testing Strimzi Kafka in the k8s cluster using xk6-kafka

I'm going to describe how to performance test reading/writing from Kafka topic with multiple partitions using xk6-kafka plugin for k6. All resources mentioned here are available in the repo.

Topic to test

Here's topic definition, using Strimzi Kafka:

kind: KafkaTopic
  name: my-topic
  namespace: kafka
  labels: cluster-1
  partitions: 3
  replicas: 1
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Test scenario

This topic has three partitions so it makes sense to test it with three virtual users, each reading from a separate partition.
Test scenario is going to execute like this:

Virtual user 1: create producer and consumer, produce 1000 messages to partitions 0 1 2, read 333 messages from partition 0, teardown producer and consumer
Virtual user 2: create producer and consumer, produce 1000 messages to partitions 0 1 2, read 333 messages from partition 1, teardown producer and consumer
Virtual user 3: create producer and consumer, produce 1000 messages to partitions 0 1 2, read 333 messages from partition 2, teardown producer and consumer
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Here's the code for the scenario script. It has debug prints that can be helpful to inspect how messages are consumed by virtual users. For more logs, set environment variable LOG_LEVEL=debug, and pass param connectLogger: true to Writer and Reader constructor.

An important aspect is that it is important to set groupID, groupTopics and groupBalancers when using Kafka bootstrap server. ReaderConfig has param topic which doesn't quite work with bootstrap server, it works with Kafka broker's address directly and with explicit partition number set.

Another important aspect is that consumer is instantiated in test code (default function) - meaning each virtual user will use it's own consumer object. All consumers should belong to same consumer group though (groupID param). It is important to close consumer at the end of the function.

import {
} from "k6/x/kafka";
import { check } from "k6";

const bootstrapServers = [

export const options = {
    vus: 3,
    duration: "3h",
    thresholds: {
        kafka_writer_error_count: ["count == 0"],
        kafka_reader_error_count: ["count == 0"],

const topicName = "topic1";
const schemaRegistry = new SchemaRegistry();

export default function () {

  let messageAmount = 9;
  let batchSize = 10;

    const producer = new Writer({
      brokers: bootstrapServers,
      topic: topicName,,
      balancer: "balancer_roundrobin",
      requiredAcks: 1,
      batchSize: batchSize,
      maxAttempts: 3,
      connectLogger: true,

    console.log('VU 1, writing messages. Iter ' + __ITER);
    let firstMessageContent = null;
    let lastMessageContent = null;
    for (let index = 0; index < messageAmount; index++) { 
        let msgContent = "test-value-string-" + index + "-vu-" + __VU + "-iter-" + __ITER;
        if (index == 0) {
          firstMessageContent = msgContent;
        if (index == messageAmount - 1) {
          lastMessageContent = msgContent;
        let messages = [];
        for (let i = 0; i < batchSize; i++) {
            value: schemaRegistry.serialize({
              data: msgContent,
              schemaType: SCHEMA_TYPE_STRING,
        producer.produce({ messages: messages });

    console.log("First published msg: " + firstMessageContent);
    console.log("Last published msg: " + lastMessageContent);

    const consumer = new Reader({
      brokers: bootstrapServers,
      groupID: topicName + "-group",
      groupTopics: [topicName],
      groupBalancers: [GROUP_BALANCER_ROUND_ROBIN],
      maxAttempts: 3,
      connectLogger: true,
      commitInterval: 1.2 * SECONDS,
      heartbeatInterval: 3.5 * SECONDS,

    let messages = consumer.consume({ limit: messageAmount * batchSize});

    console.log("Amount of msgs received: " + messages.length + ", VU " + __VU + ", iter " + __ITER);

    if (messages.length) {

      check(messages[0], {
        "Topic equals to": (msg) => msg["topic"] == topicName

    } else {
      console.log("No messages received");
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Here's output this scenario produces. Offset for the first message of each consumer is not zero because topic had prior messages in it, and same consumer group has already read those. So offset is 33 to begin with.

          /\      |‾‾| /‾‾/   /‾‾/   
     /\  /  \     |  |/  /   /  /    
    /  \/    \    |     (   /   ‾‾\  
   /          \   |  |\  \ |  (‾)  | 
  / __________ \  |__| \__\ \_____/ .io

  execution: local
     script: /var/test-scenario/test-scenario.js
     output: -

  scenarios: (100.00%) 1 scenario, 3 max VUs, 10m30s max duration (incl. graceful stop):
           * default: 3 iterations shared among 3 VUs (maxDuration: 10m0s, gracefulStop: 30s)

time="2024-01-01T18:50:56Z" level=info msg="VU 1, writing messages. Iter 0" source=console


time="2024-01-01T18:51:01Z" level=info msg="Amount of msgs received: 333, VU 3, iter 0" source=console
time="2024-01-01T18:51:01Z" level=info msg="First msg value test-value-string-99-vu-1-iter-0, offset33, partition 0, VU 3, iter 0" source=console
time="2024-01-01T18:51:01Z" level=info msg="Last msg value test-value-string-993-vu-1-iter-0, offset365, partition 0, VU 3, iter 0" source=console


time="2024-01-01T18:51:01Z" level=info msg="Amount of msgs received: 333, VU 1, iter 0" source=console
time="2024-01-01T18:51:01Z" level=info msg="First msg value test-value-string-2-vu-1-iter-0, offset33, partition 2, VU 1, iter 0" source=console
time="2024-01-01T18:51:01Z" level=info msg="Last msg value test-value-string-998-vu-1-iter-0, offset365, partition 2, VU 1, iter 0" source=console
time="2024-01-01T18:51:01Z" level=info msg="Amount of msgs received: 333, VU 2, iter 0" source=console
time="2024-01-01T18:51:01Z" level=info msg="First msg value test-value-string-1-vu-1-iter-0, offset33, partition 1, VU 2, iter 0" source=console
time="2024-01-01T18:51:01Z" level=info msg="Last msg value test-value-string-997-vu-1-iter-0, offset365, partition 1, VU 2, iter 0" source=console


     ✓ all messages returned
     ✓ Topic equals to

     █ teardown

     checks.............................: 100.00%     ✓ 6             ✗ 0            
     iterations.........................: 3           
     kafka_reader_dial_count............: 3           
   ✓ kafka_reader_error_count...........: 0           0/s
     kafka_reader_fetch_bytes...........: 66 kB              
     kafka_reader_fetches_count.........: 6           
     kafka_reader_lag...................: 0           min=0           max=0          
     kafka_reader_message_bytes.........: 33 kB       
     kafka_reader_message_count.........: 1001        
     kafka_reader_offset................: 366         min=366         max=368        
     kafka_reader_rebalance_count.......: 3           
     kafka_reader_timeouts_count........: 0           
     kafka_writer_batch_bytes...........: 56 kB       
     kafka_writer_batch_max.............: 1           min=1           max=1          
     kafka_writer_batch_size............: 1000        
   ✓ kafka_writer_error_count...........: 0           0/s
     kafka_writer_message_bytes.........: 56 kB       
     kafka_writer_message_count.........: 1000        
     kafka_writer_write_count...........: 1000        
     vus................................: 3           min=3           max=3          
     vus_max............................: 3           min=3           max=3          

running, 0/3 VUs, 3 complete and 0 interrupted iterations
default ✓ [ 100% ] 3 VUs  3/3 shared iters
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Test results to watch out for:

  • kafka_reader_error_count - should be zero or low
  • kafka_writer_error_count - should be zero or low
  • kafka_writer_message_count and kafka_reader_message_count should match

There could be intermittent issues and error counts might be not zero. Yet they shouldn't be higher than like 5 out of 1000, and of course depend on how do you set SLO for your system. Reader and Writer are instantiated with maxAttempts: 3 so they'll retry writing/reading.
If reader receives no messages this iteration, it won't fail any checks. It will just get those messages in the next test iteration. Main thing is to have total number match kafka_writer_message_count == kafka_reader_message_count.

Pod used to run test scenario, and command to run test in the k8s cluster

Here's pod definition that can be used to run the script in the k8s cluster:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  creationTimestamp: null
    app: test-xk6-loadtest
  name: test-xk6-loadtest-1
  namespace: loadtest
  - args:
    - run
    - '/var/test-scenario/test-scenario.js'
    image: mostafamoradian/xk6-kafka:latest
    name: loadtest-xk6
    - name: LOG_LEVEL
      value: debug
    resources: {}
    - mountPath: /var/test-scenario
      name: test-scenario
  dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst
    - name: test-scenario
        name: kx6-test-scenario
  restartPolicy: Never
status: {}
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Here's commands to run the scenario in your k8s cluster:

kubectl create --namespace kafka topic.yaml <-- Strimzi definition of my-topic, see above
kubectl create --namespace loadtest configmap kx6-test-scenario --from-file=test-scenario.js <-- JS file with test scenario, see above
kubectl apply -f test-pod.yml  <-- Pod definition, see above
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See test results using:

kubectl logs test-xk6-loadtest-1 -n loadtest -f
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In case your kafka cluster has TLS or other auth options enabled, xk6-kafka repo has useful examples on how to setup those. Can mount server cert in the pod using volumes and volumeMounts.

Happy New Year!

Retry later

Top comments (1)

jurim76 profile image
Juri Malinovski • Edited


  • Found typo here
  const producer = new Writer({
      brokers: bootstrapServers,
      topic: topicName,, <--
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  • Topic name "my-topic" from KafkaTopic is not equal to script's topic name "topic1"
  • Got undefined error during the test
time="2024-08-31T17:48:31Z" level=info msg="writing 3 messages to test-topic (partition: 2)"
time="2024-08-31T17:48:31Z" level=info msg="writing 4 messages to test-topic (partition: 0)"
time="2024-08-31T17:48:31Z" level=info msg="writing 3 messages to test-topic (partition: 1)"
time="2024-08-31T17:48:31Z" level=info msg="First published msg: test-value-string-0-vu-2-iter-2" source=console
time="2024-08-31T17:48:31Z" level=info msg="Last published msg: test-value-string-8-vu-2-iter-2" source=console
time="2024-08-31T17:48:31Z" level=error msg="GoError: json: unsupported value: NaN\n\tat file:///var/test-scenario/test-scenario.js:69:21(165)\n" executor=constant-vus s
cenario=default source=stacktrace 
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Retry later
Retry later