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DO Hackathon app idea

For this Hackathon (which is my first ever hackathon btw 😅), I'm planning to build an app where people can post on what they want or need to borrow, of course with the intention to return to owner and it's going to be called Goodeed.

Why? 🤔

The idea actually sparked when I needed a specific tool recently for a DIY project but I don't want to buy one just for one use. I wish there was an app where the users who are close to you could lend you the tool. So as you've read, yes it is a "Program for the people" app.

Features ✌️

There are a few main features I have in mind for this app:

  1. The app will have an authentication system (users must login to see the posts)
  2. The posts will be sorted by distance from your location. It just makes sense.
  3. Users will have the ability to create posts, comment on them, private message the users for further information on the "transaction", and manage what was borrowed.

Tech stack 🚀

The stack that I have planned for this app will mainly be Next.js, GraphQL, and Apollo. I picked Next.js because of the possibilities of API routes for the backend and it generally reduces the complexity of setting up the server. GraphQL API is something that I have been wanting to learn for a LOOOOONG time now and this is the best opportunity to do it! will also be used for the private messaging feature in the app.

The next posts will involve more code (I promise 😉)

Now... onto coding! Have a great hackathon everyone!

Top comments (2)

raddevus profile image

This sounds interesting. It reminds me of the little free libraries some people have created where people share books within a community (image below).
I will watch here for your further developments. I have created my entry for the #dohackathon also. If you get a moment check it out and let me know what you think. Good luck in the challenge.
free little library

chewypao profile image

Yes! Except it's on the Internet and it's not just for books. I'll definitely check your submission out 😊 Have fun coding!