Sprint 3 — Friday

As you work on projects it’s easy to get frustrated and depressed when you hit obstacles.
As projects progress you’ll find yourself encountering design issues with your app, technology issues with libraries and services, and conflict within your team.
These can be distracting and if not handled maturely and openly with the team can lead to the “dark side of the Force”. Namely, questioning why you wanted to become a Software Developer and draining the joy out of it.
If you are having these feelings you aren’t alone! This is just another form of the Impostor Syndrome that hits all of us. And I do mean all of us!
Handling issues maturely starts with establishing and following a process, as a team, for logging and prioritizing issues so they receive the attention and resources they deserve at the proper point in time. The phrase “As a team” is critical since following this process must be a shared responsibility, but also one where teammates provide technical and moral support to one another.
Remember that what got you here as a Developer is the joy from creating something from nothing
If negative feelings and emotions start to affect you take a moment to step back to when you saw your first program display “Hello World” on the screen. Remember that? Don’t let go of it! That’s what got you here. The sheer joy from creating something from nothing.
When you hit issues look at them from the perspective not of “How can I make this go away???”. But instead as, “What happened and why?” and “What can I learn from this that can be used in the future?”
Before you Go!
Chingu helps you to get out of “Tutorial Purgatory” by transforming what you’ve learned into experience. The experience to boost your Developer career and help you get jobs.
You can learn more about Chingu & how to join us at https://chingu.io
Top comments (2)
Truly Powerful. Thank you
This article was such a great reminder!!