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Chinmaye Jain
Chinmaye Jain

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AWS S3 : Day 4&5

Hey, this is a place where I am writing my own personal notes and publishing. I am following what AWS UG Madurai has taught till date along with what Stephen Maarek is teaching. There might be chances that some concepts are delayed, will try to cover everything in the upcoming blogs in parts, I have shared my previous learnings from

Day 1:

Day 2:

Day 3:

What exactly is S3 all about?

Amazon Simple Storage Service is a very important service offered by AWS.It allows us to store objects(files) in the buckets(directories).

Bucket is more like our real-life bucket that can store files. To store any objects(files) in Amazon S3 we create a bucket and then upload object in the bucket. We can create up to 100 buckets in each of your AWS accounts.

A bucket must have a globally unique name across all regions and accounts. That means you'll have to add your own customization to the name so that it is very unique.

All the buckets are defined at the regiona level only. S3 might look like a global service but they are created in a particular region.

S3 Storage Class

So before starting off with different storage classes let me share something about Durability and Availability.

Durability represents how many times an object is going to be loss by Amazon S3- 99.999999999%
This means, if you store 10,000,000 objects in S3 you can expect to have a loss of a single unit every 10,000 years.Durability is same for all storage classes in Amazon S3.

Availability represents how readily available a service is.

S3 Standard - General Purpose

-Has 99.999% availability
-It's going to be used for frequenlty accessed data, this is the kind of storage you use by default.
-Low latency and high throughput,
-It can sustain two concurrent facility failures on the side of AWS
-And the usecase of it is going to be Big Data analytics, mobile and gaming applications etc..

S3 Storage Class- Infrequent Access

-This is for the data that is ess frequenlty accessed but when accessed it is accessed rapidly.
-Lower cost than S3 Standard, but you'll have a cost on retrieval.

Amazon S3 Standard-Infrequent Access(S3 Standard IA)
-99.9% availability
-And it's use case is going to be Disaster Recovery, data

Amazon S3 One Zone-Infrequent Access(S3 One-Zone IA)
-Has high durability in a single Availabilty Zone and the data
is going to be lost if the AZ is lost.
-It's availability is even lower 99.5% only
-Use cases could be Storing secondary backup copies of on-
premise data or data you can recreate.

Amazon S3 Glacier Storage Class

-As the name suggests glacier means cold so here it is a low-cost object storage meant for backup/archiving.
-And the pricing you're going to pay is for the storage plus the object retrieval cost i.e. storage+object retrieval cost.

Amazon S3 Glacier Instant Retrieval
-Milliseconds retrieval, great for the data accessed oncea quarter.
-Minimum storage duration is of 90 days.
So this is backup but you need to access this within milliseconds.

Amazon S3 Glacier Flexible Retrieval
-Has 3 flexible features
-Expedited(1-5 minutes)
-Standard(3-5 Hours)
-Bulk(5-12 Hours)
-Minimum storage duration is of 90 days.

Amazon S3 Gladier Deep Archive- for long term storage
-Has 2 tiers
-Standard(12 Hours)
-Bulk(48 Hours)
-Minumum storage duration is of 180 days.

Image description

S3 Object Lock and Glacier Vault Lock

S3 Object Lock
-It has a basic idea to adopt the WORM(Write Once Read Many) model.
What it means is that you write the file once to your S3 buckets and then you will block that object version to be deleted for a specific amount of time, so that no one can touch it.

Glacier Vault Lock
-It is similar to Object Lock with WORM.
-It lock the policies for future edits so that it can no longer be changed.

The perfect use case for these locks would be Compliance when we want to be very sure that no one should be able to delete our objects so that during the time of the audit we have it all stored at one place.
So, the concept is very simple whenever any object gets stored in the Vault Lock Policy the Object cannot be deleted.

This is somewhat a brief of whatever I have learnt in the past 3 days in bits and pieces. I hope to improve more and provide more value to you all.
Also, it took me 3 days to write this. My first ever super technical write-up. Thank you for reading!

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