
Cover image for Myself and a friend built a chrome extension manager in order to learn git. Best feature? Groups! Latest feature? Tabbing! 🙌💜
Chris Dermody
Chris Dermody

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Myself and a friend built a chrome extension manager in order to learn git. Best feature? Groups! Latest feature? Tabbing! 🙌💜

Built this chrome extension manager a few years ago with my good friend Ciaran Maguire when he was in South East Asia for 6 months and we both wanted to learn Git.

Here's a link to the extension for those interested.

We're both fiends for chrome extensions, and we wanted a way to quickly toggle them on or off so that they weren't eating resources when they didn't have to be.

Also, we wanted to group them so that you could just hit one button and that group of extensions all turn on (or off).

So, we built it. We hit 10,000 users recently and almost hitting 11,000, which is amazing.


  • Group extensions so you can quickly toggle them on or off in one go (handy for webdev, or adblocking etc)
  • Can show chrome apps currently installed (via settings)
  • Quickly uninstall extensions
  • Quickly get to their homepage (if they have one)
  • Compact or expanded view
  • Material theme (built with materialise.css)

Latest Features

We just added some stuff. I have a short video here: custom chrome extension manager latest update if you'd prefer video. ;)


Version 1.0.3 adds proper tabbing! This was really annoying me as when I opened the extension it auto-focuses the search, which is great, but tabbing from there didn't focus the first extension's toggle, and now it does!

This means that, combined with a shortcut to open the chrome extension (configured at chrome://extensions/shortcuts), you can completely manage your extensions with just your keyboard.

Quickly search the chrome web store right from the extension

Lets say you're not sure you have an extension installed, so you open custom chrome, and search for it. It's not there, but you want it.

Well now, we give you a shortcut to the web store with that search term, so you can quickly get an extension you need.

Just wanted to share here, never mentioned it before, and also to ask for feedback. We'd love your thoughts.

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