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Chirag Kumar
Chirag Kumar

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VIM editor

The acronym for Vim is Vi IMproved. Written by Bram Moolenaar, it is a free and open-source text editor. It was first released for UNIX variants in 1991, and its primary purpose was to develop the Vi editor, which was released back in 1976.

➔ Install vim editor.

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➔ Open up a file in vim editor

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➔ Hit i to enter into insert mode

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=> type few lines => hit Esc

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=> type :wq

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=> Enter.
➔ Read file with cat command.

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                          ## VIM EDITOR
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

VI Visual display editor

VIM Visual display editor improved

This is command mode editor for files. Other editors in Linux are emacs, gedit vi editor is most popular

It has 3 modes:

  1. Command Mode
  2. Insert mode (edit mode)
  3. extended command mode

Note: When you open the vim editor, it will be in the command mode by default.

Command Mode:

  • gg - To go to the beginning of the page
  • G - To go to end of the page
  • w - To move the cursor forward, word by word
  • b - To move the cursor backward, word by word
  • nw - To move the cursor forward to n words (SW)
  • nb - To move the cursor backward to n words {SB)
  • u - To undo last change (word)
  • u - To undo the previous changes (entire line)
  • Ctrl+R - To redo the changes
  • VY - To copy a line
  • nyy - To copy n lines (Syy or 4yy)
  • P - To paste line below the cursor position
  • p - To paste line above the cursor position
  • dw - To delete the word letter by letter {like Backspace}
  • X - To delete the world letter by letter (like DEL Key)
  • dd - To delete entire line
  • ndd - To delete n no. of lines from cursor position{Sdd)
  • I - To search a word in the file

Extended Mode: ( Colon Mode)

Extended Mode is used for save and quit or save without quit using "Esc" Key with":"

  • Esc+:w - To Save the changes
  • Esc+:q - To quit (Without saving)
  • Esc+:wq - To save and quit
  • Esc+:w! - To save forceful
  • Esc+wq! - To save and quit forcefully
  • Esc+:x - To save and quit
  • Esc+:X - To give passwd or d to the file and remove password
  • Esc+:20(n) - To go to line no 20 or n
  • Esc+: se nu - To set the line numbers to the file
  • Esc+:se nonu - To remove a set line number

Is command options

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