DEV Community

Chirag Kumar
Chirag Kumar

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Basic CLI Commands

➔ Open Terminal

➔ Know where you are? Present Working Directory

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➔ Create a directory/folder in your home directory

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➔ Change your current working directory to linux-practices(Go to linux-practices folder).

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➔ Create some more directories and list them with “ls” command.

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➔ Create some empty files with “touch” command and list them.

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➔ Reconfirm your location in your system

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Absolute path and Relative path

What is a path?

A path is a unique location of a file or a folder in a file system of an OS. A path to a file is a combination of / and alpha-numeric characters.

What is an absolute path?

An absolute path is defined as specifying the location of a file or directory from the root directory(/). In other words, an absolute path is a complete path from the start of the actual filesystem from the / directory.

Some examples of the absolute path:

If you see all these paths started from the / directory which is a root directory for every Linux/Unix machine.

What is the relative path?

The relative path is a path related to the present working directory(pwd). Suppose I am located in /home/imran and I want to change the directory to /home/imran/linux-practices. I can use the relative path concept to change the directory to Linux practices and also the devopsdir directory.

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If you see all these paths did not start with / directory.
➔ Creating directories in devopsdir directory with absolute and relative path.

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➔ Copying files into directory.

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➔ Copying directories from one location to another.

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➔ Moving files from one location to another.

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➔ Removing files and directories.

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