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I added a JavaScript arcade game to my portfolio's homepage

Chris Greening on June 08, 2021

I love old video games. One of my fondest memories as a kid is going to a diner on Long Island with my grandparents every Friday evening and play...
juliecodestack profile image

Great work! The effect may be even better if you make the arrow sign(the one in the middle of the screen, which send points outside) more explicit. At first I don't know how to play the game because I didn't notice the arrow sign haha. Maybe It's because I haven't play the arcade game before. After reading your post, I notice the position of arrow sign and The game is fun.

vulcanwm profile image

woah this is amazing, and it’s great to know I’m not the only one who uses Flask for portfolio sites!

chrisgreening profile image
Chris Greening

Thank you so much Medea! :D

lol yeah I really love Flask, I use it for a whole bunch of things! Definitely an essential tool in my Python toolbox

vulcanwm profile image

same! it's reached a point where when i can't be bothered to write the code for 5 projects on my portfolio, so i just use flask and jinja to render the templates with a dictionary for my projects lmao

daviddalbusco profile image
David Dal Busco • Edited

Thank you for the share Chris, I love to read such blog post in which devs share their experience and stories 👍.

Your homepage and, game are slick! I remember playing it as a child too, a friend of my parents gave us their old Vic 20. Nothing like loading a game from a ... tape 😅.

chrisgreening profile image
Chris Greening

Jealous!!! My dad had a friend back in the day that was the coolest kid on the block because he had a VIC before everyone else lol

I've been kicking around getting a C64 at some point in the near future, there's a niche community that's still developing software on these old machines and I want to be a part of it lmao

daviddalbusco profile image
David Dal Busco

Haha I still got the Vic 20 somewhere in the attic at my parent's place 😜.

Developing game or else on C64 sounds like the coolest plan ever! Looking forward to your next blog posts 😉.

gizmotronn profile image

Hey @chrisgreening ! Looks amazing...

I'm interested in seeing how flask can be used for personal sites, would you be in favour of open-sourcing your portfolio on gh?

chrisgreening profile image
Chris Greening

I plan on open sourcing it sometime soon! There's just a bit of work I wanna do on it before its ready to be released; I'll let you know here when I do 😄

Currently I'm mostly using Flask for managing my photography portfolio that's also hosted on the site. I have user auth setup for an admin account that let's me upload/edit/delete photos:

Cat sleeping in sunshine

I also have a simple contact form on the site that sends me emails.

The plan is to eventually add a blog section and portfolio section that will be managed through Flask and then from there whatever other creative ideas I can come up with

vishal2369 profile image

Website is awesome.
But how u made photos in that many shapes?

chrisgreening profile image
Chris Greening

Thank you so much! I used Three.js for the photography portfolio

They have some great examples on their website, I used this one as a base and modified it to dynamically render tags and do a bunch of other neat things

youpiwaza profile image

I'm not gonna lie, it's pretty cool :)

Maybe add the ability to hold space bar to keep firing ? ^^

chrisgreening profile image
Chris Greening

ayy didn't even think about that, great idea!!

I'll look into adding that w my next update

adam_cyclones profile image
Adam Crockett 🌀

Initial reaction big smiles, good for you

chrisgreening profile image
Chris Greening

Thanks so much Adam!! :D