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Christian Daley
Christian Daley

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Virtual function templates with stateful metaprogramming in C++ 20

This post can also be read on my github blog:

Virtual function templates are not possible in C++. Go ahead, try it yourself. No compiler will accept the following code:

struct Base
    template <typename T>
    virtual void do_something(T arg) = 0;

    virtual ~Base() = default;

struct Derived : Base
    template <typename T>
    void do_something(T arg) override
        // do something

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The reason for this is simple: do_something is not a function, it is a function template. Because the compiler operates on translation units (source files) independently of each other, there's no possible way for it to know which specializations of print need to be instantiated and included in the vtable of Base and Derived. Assume that these structs are declared in some header file header.h, then consider the following code:

// foo.h
#include "header.h"
void foo(Base& base);

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// foo.cpp
#include "foo.h"

void foo(Base& base)

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// main.cpp
#include "foo.h"

int main()
    Derived derived{};

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Here we attempt to create an instance of Derived in our main.cpp file and pass it to a function that's implemented in foo.cpp. In foo.cpp we invoke do_something<int>. The issue is that when derived is constructed in main.cpp the compiler must know exactly which specializations of do_something are needed so that they can be included in derived's vtable. But in order to get that information the compiler would need to look at foo.cpp while in the middle of compiling main.cpp (and, in general, would also need to examine every single other source file in the program) to see that do_something<int> is needed. C++ compilers cannot do this, and thus virtual function templates are not allowed.

It would be more accurate to say that virtual function templates are not part of the C++ standard and thus compilers don't need to do that sort of thing that would definitely be horrendous for compile times. My point is that there is no way to create virtual function templates in C++.


Or is there?

The goal

Forget trying to make virtual function templates work across translation units. In this post we're going to focus on achieving virtual function templates within the scope of a single source file. By the end of this post I'll show you that implementing the following code is completely possible by using some C++ black magic:

#include <iostream>

class Printer
    template <typename... Args>
    void print(Args&&... args)
        // ???

    virtual ~Printer() = default;

class PrinterImpl : Printer
    template <typename... Args>
    void print(Args&&... args)
        ((std::cout << args << '\n'), ...);

std::unique_ptr<Printer> make_printer()
    return std::make_unique<PrinterImpl>();

int main()
    auto p = make_printer();

    double d = 2.5;
    const std::string s = "Hello, world!";

    // calls PrinterImpl::print<int, double&, const std::string&> !!
    p->print(5, d, s);

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Where to start?

If the compiler is unwilling to build a vtable for us, then we'll just have to do it ourselves.

Image description

But what should our vtable entries look like? I propose the following function signature:

void(*)(Printer*, void*)

In short, a vtable entry will be a function that takes a pointer to a Printer (the object that print is being called on) and a pointer to the arguments in the form of a void*. The vtable itself needs to be a collection of such functions, so our Printer class will have a member:

const std::span<void(*)(Printer*, void*)> m_vtable;

With that in mind, our implementation of Printer::print will look something like this:

template <typename... Args>
void print(Args&&... args)
    auto argsTuple = std::forward_as_tuple(std::forward<Args>(args)...);

    size_t vtableIndex = ???

    m_vtable[vtableIndex](this, &argsTuple);

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All of the arguments are combined into a std::tuple so that they can be passed into the vtable function via a single void pointer. std::forward_as_tuple is used to preserve the reference type of each argument. Of course, this still leaves three massive questions that need to be answered:

  1. Where are these vtable functions defined?
  2. How is the index into the vtable for each specialization of Printer::print determined?
  3. How is the m_vtable member created?

Defining the vtable functions

To start off we'll implement the vtable functions we need.

template <typename... Args>
struct vtable_func
    template <typename Derived>
    static void run(Printer* printer, void* argsTuplePtr)
        const auto bound = [&](Args&&... args)

        auto& argsTuple = *static_cast<std::tuple<Args&&...>*>(argsTuplePtr);

        std::apply(bound, std::move(argsTuple));

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Let's go through this line by line:

  1. We start off by declaring a new struct template called vtable_func that is templated on a parameter pack Args. As you can probably guess, Args corresponds to the types of arguments passed to Printer::print. It's not shown here but the definition of vtable_func exists within the scope of the Printer class.
  2. vtable_func has a static function template called run. The Derived type parameter here represents the concrete, underlying type of the Printer object. In our code this will end up being PrinterImpl.
  3. Inside run we create a lambda called bound. This lambda takes the expected arguments and forwards them to the implementation of print for the Derived type. We could have also used std::bind_front here.
  4. We cast argsTuplePtr to a reference to its underlying type std::tuple<Args&&...>
  5. We use std::apply to apply all of the arguments to our bound lambda, thus calling the desired print function with all of the expected arguments.

When Printer::print is called with some set of arguments of type Args&&... on some object of type Derived that inherits from Printer, we need to invoke the corresponding vtable_func<Args...>::run<Derived> function.

You may be wondering why I chose to have the Args parameter pack be defined on a struct template while the Derived template parameter is defined on the inner run function. Why not just get rid of the struct and have a function that looks like this:

template <typename Derived, typename... Args>
void run(Printer* printer, void* argsTuple)

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The need for separating the Args and Derived template parameters will become clear soon.

Getting the vtable index

So, we've written our vtable functions. On to the next challenge: how do we determine what index in the vtable corresponds to any particular specialization of Printer::print? After all, Printer::print<int, double> will need to have a different vtable entry than Printer::print<double, int> and we need to make sure that every specialization will end up calling the correct function.

Enter stateful metaprogramming.

Stateful metaprogramming

I could write multiple posts entirely about how stateful metaprogramming works, but there are already quite a few such articles scattered across the internet. If you're not already familiar with stateful metaprogramming I suggest you start by reading these excellent articles:


With that said, I'd like to introduce a very simple type_list implementation:

template <typename... Ts>
struct type_list
    template <typename... Us>
    constexpr auto operator+(type_list<Us...>) const noexcept
        return type_list<Ts..., Us...>{};

    template <typename... Us>
    constexpr bool operator==(type_list<Us...>) const noexcept
        return std::is_same_v<type_list<Ts...>, type_list<Us...>>;

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It's just a simple struct that's templated on a parameter pack Ts. It serves one purpose and that is to "store" a list of types. type_list has a + operator that allows for concatenation of lists, and I also went ahead and defined a == operator that is able to conveniently tell us if two lists are equal. We can use these operators like so:

static_assert(type_list<int>{} + type_list<char>{} == type_list<int, char>{});

static_assert(type_list<>{} + type_list<double>{} == type_list<double>{});

static_assert(type_list<int, double>{} != type_list<double, int>{});

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Now we'll use our type_list struct to implement a stateful type list:

struct stateful_type_list
    template <size_t N>
    struct getter
        friend consteval auto flag(getter);

    template <typename T, size_t N>
    struct setter
        friend consteval auto flag(getter<N>)
            return type_list<T>{};

        static constexpr size_t value = N;


    template <typename T, size_t N = 0>
    consteval static size_t try_push()
        if constexpr (requires { flag(getter<N>{}); })
            return try_push<T, N + 1>();
            return setter<T, N>::value;

    template <typename Unique, size_t N = 0>
    consteval static auto get()
        if constexpr (requires { flag(getter<N>{}); })
            return flag(getter<N>{}) + get<Unique, N + 1>();
            return type_list{};

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And we can use it like so:

static_assert(stateful_type_list::get<decltype([]{})>() == type_list{});

static_assert(stateful_type_list::try_push<int>() == 0);

static_assert(stateful_type_list::try_push<double>() == 1);

static_assert(stateful_type_list::get<decltype([]{})>() == type_list<int, double>{});

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I'm not going to fully explain how this code allows for state to be stored and retrieved at compile time as I'm assuming that you’ve already made yourself familiar with the posts I linked above. I will however explain several peculiarities in my implementation:

  1. The try_push function returns the index in the list at which the new type was added. Types are always added at the end of the list.
  2. We are unable to push the same type more than once. You can play around with it yourself to verify. This is because compilers memoize the results of consteval functions. We could get around this by also requiring an additional "Unique" template parameter each time we use the try_push function, but as it turns out we don't need to be able to push the same type more than once for our vtable implementation.
  3. The get function requires a unique type to be supplied as a template argument each time it's called in order to avoid the aforementioned memoization. It forces the compiler to re-evaluate the get function each time we use it. That is what the decltype([]{}) in the above code is doing, as each lambda declaration is guaranteed to be a unique type.

Lambdas as NTTPs

I'd like to mention something important with regards to point number 3 above. It may be tempting to do something like this in order to alleviate the need to manually supply a new type each time you call get:

template <auto Unique = []{}, size_t N = 0>
static consteval auto get()

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This actually works in practice (msvc, clang, and gcc all compile this as of 2/18/2024), but after some research I've found that the status of lambdas as non-type template parameters in C++20 and C++23 is a bit murky. Additionally it's not at all clear that the C++ standard would require this default template parameter to be re-evaluated at each call site. For example, a default template parameter of auto Line = std::source_location::current().line() will always be the line number of the template declaration, whereas an identical default argument will always be the line number of the call site. This suggests that a default template parameter is not required to behave as if it was explicitly provided at the call site. I want to avoid any sort of implementation defined behavior for the purpose of this post so I won't be using this trick.

Finishing the Printer::print implementation

With the help of our stateful_type_list we can finally finish implementing Printer::print.

template <typename... Args, 
          size_t Index = stateful_type_list::try_push<vtable_func<Args...>>()>
void print(Args&&... args)
    auto argsTuple = std::forward_as_tuple(std::forward<Args>(args)...);

    m_vtable[Index](this, &argsTuple);

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vtable_func<Args...> is pushed into our stateful_type_list and the returned Index is used to lookup the corresponding function in the vtable. It's critically important that Index appears as a default template argument rather than being computed as part of the function body because this forces the compiler to compute the value of Index (and hence store vtable_func<Args...> in our stateful list) at the call site of Printer::print. The actual code generation of any particular specialization of Printer::print could happen at a later time in the compilation phase but we want our vtable_func pushed into our stateful_type_list ASAP.

We've accomplished two out of our three goals. The last thing we need to do is initialize the m_vtable member of our Printer class.

Creating the vtable

In order to initialize our vtable we'll start by writing a function that is capable of creating it. It will be a static function template that exists within the Printer class.

template <typename Derived, typename... Funcs> 
static auto create_vtable(type_list<Funcs...>)
    static constinit std::array vtable { Funcs::template run<Derived>... };

    return std::span{ vtable };

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Let's break this down:

  1. The template parameter Derived, as in other cases, corresponds to the underlying type of the Printer.
  2. The parameter pack Funcs... will be our vtable_funcs that we pushed into our stateful_type_list in the Printer::print implementation.
  3. The parameter of type type_list<Funcs...> is not named and not used. It exists so that the compiler can deduce the Funcs... parameter pack.
  4. We create a static std::array of vtable entries, using CTAD so that we don't need to write std::array<void(*)(Printer*, void*)>, sizeof...(Funcs)>.
  5. The vtable array is initialized with the function pointers run<Derived> for each vtable_func in Funcs. The template keyword is needed here to make the compiler happy.
  6. We return a std::span that points to the array. This is safe because the array is static and will exist for the duration of the program.

For any index i, the function m_vtable[i] will be the correct function to handle the arguments passed to it by the Printer::print specialization that pushed a vtable_func at index i in the stateful_type_list. We can now utilize create_vtable within a protected constructor of Printer.

    template <typename Derived>
    Printer(Derived*) :
        m_vtable{ create_vtable<Derived>(stateful_type_list::get<Derived>()) }

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  1. The constructor has a template parameter Derived because the Printer needs to know its underlying type when it's creating the vtable. An unnamed dummy parameter of type Derived* is required so that the compiler can deduce the Derived type.
  2. The type_list<Funcs...> argument passed to create_vtable is obtained by calling stateful_type_list::get to get the list of vtable functions. Derived is passed as the dummy "Unique" template argument to get to ensure that the compiler always re-evaluates get for each different child class of Printer that is used.

And that's it! The Printer class now has a constructor that initializes the vtable. The very last thing we need to do is call this constructor from our PrinterImpl default constructor.

PrinterImpl() :
    Printer{ this }

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Whew! We did it!

Does it work?

After all that effort we'd like to know if our code works! Let's run the following code that I showed at the beginning of this post:

std::unique_ptr<Printer> make_printer()
    return std::make_unique<PrinterImpl>();

int main()
    auto p = make_printer();

    double d = 2.5;
    const std::string s = "Hello, world!";

    p->print(5, d, s);

    return 0;

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The output of the program when compiled with gcc 13.2, clang 17.01, and msvc 19.39 (all in c++ 20 mode) is:

Hello, world!

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I'll leave it as an exercise for the reader to verify that all the arguments have their reference types preserved when being passed through the vtable function and into PrinterImpl::print. You can play around with the code here:

You can also find the code on my github:

To the best of my knowledge, the code shown here is well formed and does not contain any undefined or implementation defined behavior. That being said, I am not an expert when it comes to the C++ standard so it's entirely possible that I'm wrong about that, and if I am I would love if someone was able to point that out. Regardless, this code should be seen as a curiosity and a learning experience and I absolutely do not recommend using this in any production code.

Moving forward

We've shown that, with some boilerplate, virtual function templates are indeed possible in C++ as long as we confine ourselves to a single source file. It's easy to see that our current implementation is pretty limited: we support only a single function template that doesn't return anything. What if we wanted to allow for an arbitrary number of virtual function templates to be declared and implemented? And what if each of those returns a potentially different type? It'd be great if we were able to do something like this:

struct Base
    template <typename... Args>
    int virtual_func_one(Args&&...)
        // ...

    template <typename... Args>
    std::string virtual_func_two(Args&&...)
        // ...

    template <typename... Args>
    std::vector<double> virtual_func_three(Args&&...)
        // ...

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You might think that we'd need a separate vtable for each of them, but as it turns out we don't! In a future post we'll explore how we can enable this functionality by modifying our existing code.

Some notes about ODR

C++ has something called the One Definition Rule, which basically says that non-inline classes, functions, and variables can have exactly one definition throughout the entire program. Variables/functions marked inline and class/function templates can be defined more than once as long as each definition occurs in a different translation unit and all definitions are identical. Any violation of this rule results in the program being ill formed, and there is no guarantee that the compiler will issue any sort of error. Consider the following function declared in some file f.h:

template <typename T = ::Tag>
int f()
    return 1;

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This function template f has a default template parameter of type ::Tag, but this type isn't defined in f.h. Now consider the following two source files:

// A.cpp
    struct Tag {};

#include "f.h"

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// B.cpp
    struct Tag {};

#include "f.h"

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Both A.cpp and B.cpp declare a struct Tag within an anonymous namespace prior to including f.h. This means that the two versions of f that end up being defined in our program will "see" different types as their default template parameter and therefore have different definitions. This violates the ODR rule and such a program is ill formed regardless of whether any existing compiler implementation is willing to compile it. What does this mean for us?

I mentioned earlier that our code only works within a single source file. It should be fairly straightforward to understand the most obvious issue with putting our Printer class in a header file and attempting to use any given Printer instance across source files. A PrinterImpl object constructed in some file A.cpp will contain a vtable that is capable of handling only the specific specializations of Printer::print that are needed in that one file. Casting it to a Printer* and passing it to a function defined in some other source file B.cpp is a recipe for disaster. Unless both A.cpp and B.cpp use the exact same specializations of Printer::print in the exact same order, we're going to run into problems when B.cpp expects a different vtable than the one constructed in A.cpp.

We might think to remedy this issue by replacing our array based implementation of the vtable with a std::unordered_map<std::type_index, void(*)(Printer*, void*)>. In Printer::print we would no longer need to worry about the index returned from stateful_type_list::try_push and instead we could use typeid(vtable_func<Args...>) to lookup the correct function in the map. Likewise in create_vtable we would initialize this map with {{ typeid(Funcs), Funcs::template run<Derived> }...}. This would make it so that the order in which Printer::print specializations are used no longer matters, and would also allow us to detect when we've been given a Printer that isn't capable of handing a particular set of arguments. In Printer::print we could verify that the corresponding entry exists in the map before attempting to call the function and if it doesn't we can do something like throw an exception that could be handled by the caller. This should work great, right?


I don’t know exactly what any particular compiler will do when given such a program, but I can show that such a program violates the ODR and is ill formed.

Going back to the implementation details of stateful_type_list let's consider what happens when print(5) is called on some Printer object. Let's also assume that this is the first and only use of Printer::print within this source file. When vtable_func<int> is added to the stateful list it results in a declaration of flag(getter<0>) being instantiated by the compiler with a deduced return type of type_list<vtable_func<int>>. Later, this function is called by get in stateful_type_list. Friend functions exist at the namespace scope even if they are defined within a struct/class. That means that the compiler sees a free function named flag that accepts a parameter of type getter<0> and returns a type_list<vtable_func<int>>.

Now what happens if we do the same thing in another source file, but instead we call print(5.0). Following the same logic as before, the result will be the declaration of a free function named flag that accepts a parameter of type getter<0> and returns a type_list<vtable_func<double>>. C++ functions cannot be overloaded solely on their return type, so this is in fact a conflicting definition of flag(getter<0>). ODR is violated and the program is ill formed.

This isn't the only ODR violation that could happen. For example, let's say that both our Printer and PrinterImpl classes are placed in a header file printer.h. Remember that the Printer constructor will call create_vtable which is a function template. The specialization of create_vtable that is invoked will depend on the current state of stateful_type_list. If two different source files both construct a PrinterImpl and call different specializations of Printer::print then the constructor Printer::Printer<PrinterImpl> will call different specializations of create_vtable depending on which source file it's being called in. The result would be two conflicting definitions of the constructor. Again, ODR is violated.

What can we conclude from all this? First of all it's plain to see that stateful metaprogramming is a (potentially) very dangerous practice that can easily lead to ill formed programs and undefined behavior. We can also see that our Printer and PrinterImpl classes are not safe to use outside of a single source file, and I don't know how useful it is to have virtual function templates that are confined to a single source file. It'd be awesome if we could use this technique across many source files within a single program but the need for meta state will necessarily lead to ODR violations because different state is needed in different translation units. Our code is an interesting novelty but is forever limited by the ODR imposed on us by the C++ standard.

Sadly, there is no way to make our virtual function templates safe to use across translation units.


Or is there?

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