Super cool! I agree with all the suggestions. Maybe we could all put some work into this and once it's really polished we could link to it or fold it in to the main editor in some way. 🙂
One thing of note: Our image is 1000x420, but, so a little wider than a 2x1 "social image", so the edges get clipped. You may want to make it so the text can't extend too far to the edges of the image, so it will show up properly in both scenarios.
This will definitely help a lot of posters, thank you!
One suggestion I'd make is including a service like UnSplash for finding different banner images right from It's open source and has lots of good options, and I believe the Notion app already has a working example of searching through its images in a GUI.
I'm obviously partial to including an open-source anime image search, but that may have too narrow an audience to justify haha
I write tutorials on my blog at . During the day, I am a Platform Engineer at r3 where I work on Corda, an Open Source DLT/Blockchain Platform.
French web developer mainly but touches everything. Volunteer mod here at DEV. I learn Nuxt at this moment and databases. — Addict to Cappuccino and Music
Great tool, it's going to be a direct star! It would just be missing the possibility to put an image in the background with optional blur and that would be very useful.
Curious web developer interested in tech, dogs, & good food! Believer in all things magical and lover of people! Work with some of the most amazing people and customers @ Cloudinary!
Super cool! I agree with all the suggestions. Maybe we could all put some work into this and once it's really polished we could link to it or fold it in to the main editor in some way. 🙂
One thing of note: Our image is 1000x420, but, so a little wider than a 2x1 "social image", so the edges get clipped. You may want to make it so the text can't extend too far to the edges of the image, so it will show up properly in both scenarios.
I'm glad you like it Ben ! We could definitely set up some contribution guidelines and a small roadmap.
Understood, glad you're telling me this as I noticed this problem on the Twitter preview image.
This will definitely help a lot of posters, thank you!
One suggestion I'd make is including a service like UnSplash for finding different banner images right from It's open source and has lots of good options, and I believe the Notion app already has a working example of searching through its images in a GUI.
I'm obviously partial to including an open-source anime image search, but that may have too narrow an audience to justify haha
My suggestions, although there is nothing wrong with this, just if you want more for your project!
Love the suggestions ! Thanks for your input, I'm noting them down so I don't forget anything
Liyas, these are currently being worked on by members of the community as you can see here.
The color pickers and the random generation have already been added and other features are in the works. :)
Inspired from your project, I made this simple banner generator.
With more customizations such as:
Feel free to contribute on
Great work, but why not contribute to the existing project to make it even better?
I went through your project and found out its built with react. I don't know react. So i made a simpler one.
Is this open sourced so we all could poke around and help out with some of the ideas and suggestions that are in this thread?
EDIT: I ask before clicking through and seeing the nice GitHub corner banner 😆
Link for the lazy like me:
This is really cool! I've been using Canva so I have templates set up for those, but this is really really handy, awesome work!
Bookmarking this for my next post! This is great!
For everyone already participating to the project: thank you ! Please give me a short while to set everything up so you guys have everything you need:
Have a good one :)
This is awesome
Really like this - excited to see how it evolves!
Great stuff :)
This is awesome!
This is super! Thanks a lot. I would never have thought about this!
Good work Christopher !
Thanks Val !
Sir...I have been struggling so badly with making them myself.
Thank you so much
This is awesome! Love how you styled the button too!
Cool. I might try this on my own blog. I have seen other writers here with similar banners and liked how clean they looked.
Great job Christopher!
Awesome dude! Very helpful
I published my first post on DEV yesterday and was stumped by this same problem, so glad to discover this!
Wow christpher this is pretty cool!
Great tool, it's going to be a direct star! It would just be missing the possibility to put an image in the background with optional blur and that would be very useful.
Pretty cool and minimalistic. Would be super helpful when someone is in a hurry. I like it!
This is really cool and I appreciate all of the hard work that went into it!
I look forward to using it with my next article!