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Node For Dummies

There are a million ways you can learn Node JS but the one I Prefer is hand made notes that can assist me in all my future projects.

If your something like me you would also like sicknotes and cheat sheets for your future references.

So without further ado let's get started.

WTF Is Node.js

Once upon a time JavaScript was a language that could not do anything more than manipulate DOM elements, In other words JS was confined only to your browser.

But today we can do just about anything with JS from building websites to training AI models and that's all thanks to Node.

So how exactly did node revolutionize JS ???

Basically when you write a line of code you need what's called a compiler that translates human readable code into lower level format that your computer can understand.

js engine

So browsers are shipped with something called a JS engine that acts as a compiler,

Like shown in the image above the code from your app will go through the engine to perform the required operations but there are a lot of limitations to the JS engine shipped with browsers like we can not interact with the OS or create files with JS.

To over come these limitation Ryan Dahl in 2009 introduce the world to Node.JS

chrome V8 engine

which is basically uses chromes JS engine called V8 and wraps it with Libuv a library built with C which gives JS the ability to perform a lot of native operations we will be visiting over the course of this series so stay tuned for the next blog post.

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