Since the beginning of the Yaru project, three years ago, we always had a little problem: two different places for bug tracing.
Our main repository is hosted on GitHub, but we also have the Launchpad page taking care of the yaru-theme
Whith this python script, and GitHub actions, I mirrored the bugs from one bug tracking system to the other.
The full story
I can not tress enough how much I appreciate our users that take time to report problems, desires, ideas, but indeed our responsiveness on Launchpad has not been the best so far, and we shall thank the Ubuntu Desktop Team that took care of these reports.
A couple of weeks ago, we thought that automatically mirroring Launchpad bugs on our GitHub repository could have been a solution, and we decided to take care of this with our CI.
Ideally, our solution would have the following:
- Perform daily checks.
- Get the list of all open bugs on Launchpad.
- For any new bug found, create a GitHub bug with ID, Title and link to the original report.
We already have some GitHub Actions to keep track of our upstreams. It's configured to run periodically, and create a PR when there is new content we shall take care of. This configuration looked promising for the first point.
launchpad provides Launchpadlib, a nice python library to interact with the servers.
launchpadlib is an open-source Python library that lets you treat the HTTP resources published by Launchpad's web service as Python objects responding to a standard set of commands. With launchpadlib you can integrate your applications into Launchpad without knowing a lot about HTTP client programming.
Playing with this library was pretty fun, and the best way to learn it was through the listed examples. For instance, I must thank Bughugger, that showed me the way to get the list of bugs of a given application.
import os
from launchpadlib.launchpad import Launchpad
HOME = os.path.expanduser("~")
CACHEDIR = os.path.join(HOME, ".launchpadlib", "cache")
lp = Launchpad.login_anonymously(
"Yaru LP bug checker", "production", CACHEDIR, version="devel"
ubuntu = lp.distributions["ubuntu"]
archive = ubuntu.main_archive
packages = archive.getPublishedSources(source_name="yaru")
package = ubuntu.getSourcePackage(name=packages[0].source_package_name)
bug_tasks = package.searchTasks()
for task in bug_tasks:
I then extract three field from the task:
- ID:
- Title:
- Link:
"" + str(
The third point is actually made of two different steps:
- Identify new issues.
- Create an issue.
Both points have been resolved using HUB.
hub is a command line tool that wraps git in order to extend it with extra features and commands that make working with GitHub easier.
GitHub provides its own CLI tool, which I use on a daily bases, but the point that convinced me to use HUB is the following:
hub can also be used to make shell scripts that directly interact with the GitHub API.
Create issues
Let's start from the last step. Creating an issue with HUB is simple:
hub issue create -m <title> -m <message> -l Launchpad
Here I used the -m
flag twice to set the title:
and the body of the issue:
Reported first on Launchpad at[ID]
then I added a Launchpad label (-l
), which makes bug management easier, and ended up very useful for the next step.
Create only NEW bugs
HUB can list all the bugs from the repository, but - at the time of writing - Yaru has more than 1.000 bugs (only 44 open π), then it takes a while to get them all at once. Luckily, HUB can filter by label!
hub issue --state all --label Launchpad
Parsing the output is easy with Python, all the rest is just a little glue logic to put all together.
I am satisfied with the end result. We can be more responsive to our user base requests now, and I had fun writing the python script, and learned something new of GitHub Action.
Top comments (2)
This is great! I've tweaked your script on to also close bugs once they are closed on Launchpad, in case that's of use to you.
uh, I should come back more often π
Closing the bug is indeed super useful, thank you very much!