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Nkenganyi Clovis
Nkenganyi Clovis

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How To Install MySQL Workbench And XAMPP on Ubuntu 18.04 or 20.04

Let’s start by seeing how we can install MySQL Workbench either on Ubuntu 18.04 or 20.04.

What is MySQL Workbench?

MySQL Workbench is a graphical user interface tool used for the MySQL database management. Mainly, this tool is used by database architects, administrators, and database developers to visualize the design of the database.

It is a cross-platform software that can be installed on various operating systems such as Linux, Windows and Mac OS.

On Ubuntu, MySQL workbench can be installed by using the CLI (deb & apt repository)
In this article, we will focus on how to install MySQL workbench on Ubuntu using the graphical user interface (GUI).

Step 1. Download MySQL workbench from the below url, so you can directly download the file to your local directory. Browse the following url… and chose below options.
-select operating system as “Ubuntu Linux 18.04(x86, 64-bit)” as it is in my case. If you are using Ubuntu 20.04, then go ahead and chose that option.

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After selecting the version that suits your OS, click download. In the next page, click “No thanks, just start my download”
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Step 2. Once the download is completed, you click on the downloaded file in the directory which you saved it.
A page like this will open, which is a re-direct of the workbench file in the Ubuntu App store.

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Step 3. Once the installation process is complete, launch workbench using the app launcher.

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Let’s see how we can install XAMPP either on Ubuntu 18.04 or 20.04.

What is XAMPP?

XAMPP is the most popular PHP development environment
XAMPP is a completely free, easy to install Apache distribution containing MariaDB, PHP, and Perl. The XAMPP open source package has been set up to be incredibly easy to install and to use.
Reference ===>

If you want to develop software for the web or create a website, you need a test environment that is not accessible from outside but includes all the necessary tools. XAMPP from Apachefriends offers such a development environment.
It allows such creating a local web server with Apache, PHP, Perl MySQL.

Step 1. Download XAMPP for Ubuntu Linux
The first thing we need is the executable binaries of XAMMP on our Ubuntu 18.04 or 20.04 LTS. For that, we simply visit the official website of this tool
Select the version you want to download specific to your OS. In my case, it is XAMPP for Linux.

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Step 2. Change permission and Run XAMPP installer.
By default, whenever we are downloading from the internet using the browser on Linux systems, go into the Downloads folder, thus first switch to that first.

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You start by checking the permission of the files found in the directory where you downloaded the XAMPP file. In my case, it is found in the download folder.

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Change the permission of the installer to be in executable mode by typing the following command on your terminal

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You will be prompted to type your password. After you input your password, you type the following command and you press enter.

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This will start the installer for the XAMPP server.

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Select both components “XAMPP core files” and “XAMPP developer files” and click next.

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By default, all the files will unpack under /opt/lampp.

Click next until XAMPP begin installing on your local machine.

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-Click finish and XAMPP will be on your Ubuntu 18.04/20.04 system.

-When you click finish, you will see a welcome message “welcome to XAMPP 7.4.11-0”.
The version of the XAMPP will be dependent on your time of installation.

When that window appear, you will see 3 tabs on top of the window.
Click on the “Manage Servers tab”.

By default, the “MySQL and proFTPD” servers will be off.
Click on each and click the start button by the right side of that window.

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To check if the Apache server installed and everything is working smoothly, go to your favorite browser on your computer and type http://localhost/dashboard

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The default Apache Welcome page will open.

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To check if PHP is running, type http://localhost/phpmyadmin

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Thanks for reading this article. I will be coming up with more

Top comments (4)

tekerene profile image
Teke Rene

Thanks for the update

clovissocial profile image
Nkenganyi Clovis

U are welcome bro

flovetstack profile image

great article, came in andy just when I needed it

clovissocial profile image
Nkenganyi Clovis

Thanks bro