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Android development Core questions

What are android applications components ? :-

All android app components are the essential blocks, and all these components are loosely coupled by Manifest (AndroidManifest.xml) file. these entry point may be system or a user can enter our app. Here is four types of android application components as shown in bellow

Types of Components :-

1) Activities
2) Services
3) Broadcast receivers
4) Components Providers

Activities :-

An activities nothing just a screen it provides the window in which the app draws ui’s and this is the entry point of the interacting with the users. An activity presents a single screen with a user interface for example whatsapp app might have one activity that show the users list on screen and another activity where we chat personal or group chat.


In android Services are specialy component that facilitates to run in the background in order to perform long running operations tasks. The main purpose of a service is to ensure that the application remains active in the background so that the user can operate multiple applications at the same time.

Broadcast receivers

A broadcast receivers in android act as background functionalities as services and it will pass the data between activities. A broadcast receiver is an android component that allows an application to respond the message and that are broadcast by the android operating system or an android application.

Components Providers

Acomponent providers in android can help an application manage access to data store by itself, store by other apps, and provide a way to share data with other apps and they encapsulate data, provide data mechanism to defining data security. Content provider in android manage access to a central repository of data and this component provider is a part of an android application. content providers are two types :-
A) Directory
B) id based URIs

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Top comments (1)

gouravkhunger profile image
Gourav Khunger

Nice :)
I would like to point out the last heading- It's content providers rather than component providers, afaik. Thanks!