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<Hello CodeCast />

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Hello CodeCast Beta πŸ‘‹ We’ve been testing it with a limited set of users for the past six months and we are very excited to open it up to everyone now.

Why CodeCast?

As a coding instructor, I love to live-code lessons to my students, to slowly reveal coding concepts line by line. Coding to me is a process and a way of thinking. When students get that, they are on their journey to becoming professional developers.

I have always strived to deliver an excellent experience to students so I kept looking for anything that I felt was hindering that. Students sometimes have a hard time keeping up 100% if they are coding along or even if they are not. This happens usually because as a developer you work on multiple files at a given time and while switching from a file to another. Some students may get lost and miss some code in a particular file and this can leave them stuck.

I was teaching at a Vancouver Bootcamp I founded called CodeCore and a graduate built the first crude prototype of what is now CodeCast. Since it was introduced in the classroom, CodeCast has become an indispensable tool at CodeCore and part of what made it the top quality Bootcamp in Vancouver with amazing graduates that are an integral part of the tech community in the city.

CodeCast allows you to point to a folder on your computer and share it in real-time with students. It captures changes as files are saved and it broadcasts them to all students who are connected on a web page where the entire project tree can be viewed. It integrates with normal developer workflow so it’s super easy to set up. You set it and forget it. Desktop screen or webcam can be recorded alongside code changes for later replay as well.

After we started to see how powerful CodeCast is, we realized it could be a lot more than a classroom tool. Our goal is to build an amazing developer community around CodeCasts. Coders around the world sharing their ideas, processes, techniques by streaming live and recording their sessions. We are excited for the journey to come to take code learning to the next level.

We are all teachers, we are all learners

As developers, we all have something to teach and we are all on a never-ending learning journey. This is what makes coding a great life-long profession. We made it super easy to create and share content with CodeCast. Download the app and give it a try and we would love to have your feedback on it.

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