DEV Community

Manav Misra
Manav Misra

Posted on

Best ClickBait Post Titles?

The JS community and really the internet, in general, is prone to 'clickbait' titles.

Many of them try to insult you as a dev - 15 Reasons Why Ur Bad at JS (and how to fix them) for example.

The psychology of attacking everyone's 'imposter syndrome' combined with the prospect of 'fixing it' πŸ˜‹.

One of my personal favorites of all time was a video πŸ“Ή by Brandon Wirtz, published around 2012 when Node first came out: Node.JS is Stupid and If You Use It, So Are You.

I think πŸ€” it's meant to be satirical, I'm not πŸ’― sure. It's hilarious, and I've been stupid for some years now! 😼

Anyway, what are some of your favorite JS clickbait titles, real or imaginary? No need to actually publish links and give these clickbait-ers any bites - unless it's really funny, or even 'extra' negative - I just like to read them.

Top comments (3)

futureistaken profile image

Could someone explain me who was an idiot 8 years ago and who is an idiot now?

patarapolw profile image
Pacharapol Withayasakpunt
codefinity profile image
Manav Misra

Shall we make 'Please Stop Using JavaScript'? πŸ˜†