Over the past 4-5 years, I had actually worked through this neat repo which teaches the basics of Node.
I came to realize a couple of things:
- Like many previous tutorials, without 'time on task' and some context based on experience, I was sort of just 'following along' and/or going through the motions but not really understanding. To quote a Mystikal lyric, "What is the actual f!@#king meaning?"
- The solutions shown in the repo are a bit 'out of date.' It just means that, for example, they stick exclusively to callback functions instead of applying promises when possible.
Well, I just re-worked through this again for fun 🤓 just yesterday, and it was the first time that I actually felt that it actually made sense, coming from a much more confident and modern JS perspective.
Over the next posts in this series, I am going to share my solutions for the problems posed. Along the way, we'll pick up several 'modern' JS approaches including new Promise
and destructuring and async
To get started, if you haven't already, as per the directions on the repo mentioned 👆🏽, you should proceed with: npm install -g learnyounode
In the first post, we'll break down how learnyounode
works and tackle the first challenge.
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