DEV Community

Manav Misra
Manav Misra

Posted on

Hello World


Navigate to the directory you created for our work. For example, go home with cd. Then, do: cd Code/learnyounode.

Then: learnyounode brings up our menu:  raw `learnyounode` endraw  menu

Select the first challenge: 'Hello World'.

touch program.js

Let's create our first file - touch program.js (it doesn't have to be called 'progam.js').

Add Code

Inside of 'program.js':"HELLO WORLD"); goes into this file.

As you probably already know, we are just accessing the console object and invoking a method, info. We are passing in a string, "HELLO WORLD".

learnyounode verify

In your terminal, learnyounode verify program.js will allow us to 'verify' and pass the first challenge ✨.

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