DEV Community

Manav Misra
Manav Misra

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Install `learnyounode`

Install learnyounode Globally

As per these directions, npm install -g learnyounode

This will use npm to globally install learnyounode.

Normally, it's not recommended to do npm install -g (installing packages globally) due to versioning changes possibly breaking 🀯 things. However, learnyounode is a utility that we want to be able to run from anywhere on our system - it's not 'scoped' or 'locked' to a specific version(s) for a specific project.

Check It βœ…

Simply type learnyounode and you should get the main menu that looks like this:

learnyounode main menu

Create a Directory to Organize Our Work

As we work through this series together, we'll be creating multiple files, so you should designate a directory πŸ“ for them.

Go to your home directory πŸ“ by entering cd in your terminal.

Then create your directory structure using: mkdir. If you need to make nested directories, you could use -p. For example: mkdir -p Code/learnyounode **(HINT: It's a convention to capitalize directory πŸ“ names - but 'learnyounode' is a bit different πŸ€“).

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