I'm a Senior Advocate @ Unity, a Developer Advocate and Software Engineer with 9+ years of development and industry experience. Love just creating stuff and putting it out there!
Awarded GitHub Star since 2023 ⭐️ and Microsoft MVP since 2024 🔷 I talk about Open Source, GitHub, and Web Development.
I also run a YouTube channel called DevLeonardo, see you there!
That's curious, same here! I didn't pay too much attention because I have an article that performed well recently, but the subscribers spike is actually a couple of days later.
Tech Lead/Team Lead. Senior WebDev.
Intermediate Grade on Computer Systems-
High Grade on Web Application Development-
MBA (+Marketing+HHRR).
Studied a bit of law, economics and design
Higher Level Education Certificate on Web Application Development
I've observed that posts that attract most people within the platform usually get featured in the Android left bar later on (you know, when you swipe left in the home screen, can't remember the official name 😅) so it gets pushed for the next some hours after this.
I write about various topics that I'm currently learning, be it front end, back end, cloud, DevOps, etc., you name it!
For any questions you may have, you can reach out to me at: hello@hungvu.tech.
I think most followers are from dev.to recommendation when new users join in. There might be a wave of new users, or something changed in the algorithm. I observed the same activity.
I had a significant spike in followers yesterday as well. I'm guessing either DEV changed something in how users to follow are recommended, or there was a spike in new DEV users.
Passionate coder, tech enthusiast, and avid learner. Always updated, engaging in discussions, and contributing to the tech community. #TechEnthusiast #LifelongLearner
We have adjusted the logic in onboarding so that more people get followed in that process based on the tags the member has followed. 🙂
I checked a number of my new followers and unfortunately most of them look like spam accounts 😬
I don´t know if the accounts are spams but today my followers increase and a lot of them join today in the plataform
Thanks for explaining that @ben! I got a spike in followers too and I wasn't sure exactly why. Thanks!
That's very cool, looks like it's working nicely!
That's curious, same here! I didn't pay too much attention because I have an article that performed well recently, but the subscribers spike is actually a couple of days later.
I've observed that posts that attract most people within the platform usually get featured in the Android left bar later on (you know, when you swipe left in the home screen, can't remember the official name 😅) so it gets pushed for the next some hours after this.
I think most followers are from dev.to recommendation when new users join in. There might be a wave of new users, or something changed in the algorithm. I observed the same activity.
I had a significant spike in followers yesterday as well. I'm guessing either DEV changed something in how users to follow are recommended, or there was a spike in new DEV users.
got some too
Legendary number 😭😂
quite magical 😂
I got 600 followers in 2 days. Most of them seems Spam since they joined the platform today or yesterday (same day that became my followers)