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Yeasin Arafat
Yeasin Arafat

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Astro Build like an Astronauts!

What is Astro build?
Astro is a content focused frontend web framework, which is build so fast. Its comes with new architecture which is developer friendly and flexible to use.

How does it work?
Simply run a command with your favaouite package (npm, yarn, pnpm) manager then it will create a static project. But when you run astro command that will ask some questions, its recommended strict site use, if you want to change you can change it also it has some pre built projects, you can select any project from the list or you choose a blank project. Have fun!

Run Command:

  • Yarn: yarn create astro
  • Npm: npm create astro@latest
  • Pnpm: pnpm create astro@latest

Why choose Astro Build for your project?
Well, Essentially a build system, Astro takes a promising new approach to front-end JavaScript. It content focused that means its fast build for content. Have a look Astro key features.

Component Islands: A new web architecture for building faster websites.
Server-first API design: Move expensive hydration off of your users’ devices.
Zero JS, by default: No JavaScript runtime overhead to slow you down.
Edge-ready: Deploy anywhere, even a global edge runtime like Deno or Cloudflare.
Customizable: Tailwind, MDX, and 100+ other integrations to choose from.
UI-agnostic: Supports React, Preact, Svelte, Vue, Solid, Lit and more.

How difference from others frontend UI Build?
It has lots of integrations to according to our requirement for a project and also much better customizable which is better than from Gatsby. It also a powerful feature which is called @astro/mdx. It like JSX that means you can use code and import other files in .mdx and also you can treat as md file. Which is makes Astro is an astronauts!
Seriously once you try this you’ll love it.
I hope for lots of functionality ahead in the future from Astro build.

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