Have a great idea ready? Ready to submit? Post a link in the discussion and lets all take a look together. Maybe we can help each other get picked next!
I am Purring with Excitement
Hey everyone I am really excited about Code Land!!

CodeLand 2020 Early Bird Tickets
Jess Lee for The DEV Team ・ Feb 12 '20
Between last year and this year I have put in 49 CFP submissions for different conferences and so far no luck. I would love for Code Land to be my first!
If you are anything like me you are trying to break into this conference speaking thing and can't figure it out. So lets all talk about it!
What makes a good CFP
So what makes a great CFP (Call For Proposal)?
- Catchy title: Spreading some peanut butter under your Jam(stack)
- Great Abstract: Learn how to use ButterCMS for your next Gatsby Static Site
Is there more to it than that?
I am going to go on a journey of trying to get both submitters and judges to tell us what they submitted and how they were picked.
cool site that can keep you updated on current CFPs
https://www.cfpland.com/ ng-conf Office hours covering CFP https://youtu.be/chiq13mNS7Y
What were some past selections?
I went into the Internet Archive machine to take a look at past talks.
2017 Code Land
One that jumped out at me was
"How to write technical blog posts that people will actually read"
-Quincy Larson
2018 Code Land
This one comes straight from Dev's Founder
"How To Make Your Website So Fast It Goes Viral In Japan" -Ben Halpern
What if you could make a website so fast that hundreds of thousands of people from the other side of the world couldn't stop talking about? You can, with the help of web performance. Web performance is a critical element of user experience and accessibility. Ben shares how his website went viral in Japan, and breaks down the web performance tools and strategies he used to make it happen. Regardless of your preferred programming language or framework, you'll be able to apply his lessons to your next app.
2019 Code Land
Two more great ones!
"Yes, You Should Write That Blog Post" -Ali Spittel
Writing your first — or your hundredth — blog post is a challenge. What if nobody reads your post? Or someone leaves a rude comment? Or you get a technical detail wrong? And, how do you feel confident enough to press the publish button? Ali has navigated all these situations in the past year and a half that she’s been writing. She’ll tell her story and why she still writes and publishes technical blog posts.
I mean the cat guy, how could this not grab my attention!
"Cats, The Musical! Algorithmic Song Meow-ification" -Beth Haubert
Lets get picked
Put a Google Doc Link in the discussion for comments, or here is a Google Form that exports to Google Sheets so you can look at others and provide feedback!
Talk: https://forms.gle/qy92DCUmPuNvPtt49
Sheet For Comments: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gLB7jIuvBnReg5aar40s3mPyKzseRhQ2t4vzA2wGcEc/edit?usp=sharing
Workshop: https://forms.gle/nXKXfv5zM1zBmDcn8
Sheet For Comments:
Email is asked just so you get the response and can get a copy in your email and edit.
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