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Vishal Mahato
Vishal Mahato

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Scala vs Java -The Ultimate Showdown

Scala is the next-generation Java virtual machine (JVM) language that is rapidly gaining popularity as a modern alternative to Java.

Introduced back in 1995, Java has evolved from humble beginnings to become one of the undisputed leaders among programming languages, especially in the realm of server-side programming.

However, Scala's popularity has been steadily growing over the past few years.

In 2019, when Twitter decided to switch its platform from Ruby to Scala, it caught the attention of many developers in the web development world.

This transition from Ruby to Scala quickly spread, and other companies started following suit in making the transition to Scala.

Nowadays, high-profile websites like Netflix, eBay, LinkedIn, and The Guardian use Scala for backend development.

Today, more and more programmers are moving to Scala, following this trend. If you are actively involved in backend development, it is essential for you to understand the difference between Java and Scala.

This understanding will help you when working on your next project and selecting the most suitable language. In case, you need Java homework help from an expert Letstacle is a great choice.

Scala vs Java: Comparison table


  1. Java is a general-purpose, object-oriented programming language typically used for backend development projects.
  2. While using Java, programmers need to write several lines of code for simple routine tasks.
  3. Java is more readable.
  4. Java offers backward compatibility.
  5. Java does not support operator overloading.
  6. Java does not support lazy evaluation.
  7. The method of compiling source code into bytecode is fast and efficient.


  1. Scala is a combination of object-oriented and functional programming, a statically typed high-level language.
  2. Scala greatly reduces lines of code into brief and concise code.
  3. Scala is less readable because of nested code.
  4. Scala doesn't offer backward compatibility.
  5. Scala supports operator overloading.
  6. Scala supports lazy evaluation.
  7. The method of compiling source code into bytecode is relatively slow.

Code size and quality

When working with Java, developers need to write long lines of code to complete regular tasks. On the contrary, Scala allows developers to complete the same tasks with concise lines of code.

A program that may require 50 lines of code in Java may only take 20 lines in Scala. The compression of code in Scala allows it to be more organized, readable, and reusable.

Moreover, fewer lines of code also make it easier to identify and correct errors.

According to some veteran programmers, compressed codes offer additional benefits when dealing with more complex codes.

Thanks to the functional nature of Scala, it allows the natural use of Lambdas and chain functions, requiring significantly less code than Lambda use in Java.

Code Complexity

While Scala allows the completion of tasks with fewer lines of code, it has a more complex structure than Java.

Programmers can complete development with fewer lines of code, but the code they do write can be very complicated. There is a steep learning curve that needs to be overcome when adopting Scala.

There might be a time when you might need programming help from an expert, especially when facing complex challenges or seeking guidance on advanced concepts.

However, for novice programmers learning to code from scratch, Scala's more concise code may actually make their lives easier.

Functional Programming

Java, developed in the late 1990s, was designed as a conventional object-oriented programming language. Over time, it has been upgraded with functional programming capabilities.

Nowadays, developers can use Java 8 to write functional programs. However, Java still relies considerably on a mutable state.

In contrast, Scala was designed to be a functional programming language from the outset. It comes with better and more advanced functional programming features like higher-order functions, immutability, and lazy evaluation.


Scala borrows most of its syntax and language features from Java but possesses a number of structures not available in Java.

For example, Scala supports automatic type inference and case classes. The highly structured nature of Scala allows developers to transform it into a domain-specific language (DSL), customizing Scala's look and feel according to the specific needs of their projects.


In principle, both Scala and Java are compatible with each other. Programmers can call Java functions directly inside Scala code.

However, writing Scala functions in Java code or Java functions in Scala code is not as simple.

Each programming language has its method of implementing interfaces, collections, annotations, and other features.

So, while both languages are compatible, these differences complicate matters, requiring separate Java and Scala code.

Concurrency Model

Java 8 requires developers to use the traditional thread-based concurrency model, dividing a program into multiple concurrent tasks at execution time.

Scala, on the other hand, utilizes the actor model, which is more modern and efficient. It allows programmers to define each object as an actor with its own behaviors and mailbox, simplifying thread communication and control.


According to a recent test performed by DZone, a leading publisher of knowledge resources for software developers, Scala is 20% faster than Java. However, it's important to note that performance ratings are subjective and should not be trusted completely.

Both programming languages run on the Java Virtual Machine, so their code must be compiled into bytecode before execution.

Scala's performance advantage comes from an optimization technique called "tail call recursion" within the Scala compiler.

This technique replaces recursive calls with iterative solutions, improving performance.
However, in real terms, Java and Scala have nearly identical performance features since both languages are subject to the costs and benefits of JVM.

Availability of Frameworks and Tools

Java, being an older programming language, is more mature than Scala.

Consequently, Java developers have access to a broader range of development, debugging, testing, frameworks, and tools.

Scala, as it continues to grow in popularity, is adding new tools and frameworks regularly. Additionally, Scala being a Java Virtual Machine language, Scala developers can also utilize some Java libraries and frameworks.

Java vs Scala: Which One to Choose?

Simply put, Scala's functional programming approach and condensed code are balanced out by its steep learning curve and challenging code.

On the contrary, Java has proven to be the go-to language for businesses and provides developers with a wide range of frameworks and tools.

Both Java and Scala have similarities and can be used for developing a variety of applications.

However, each language has its own strengths and weaknesses. It is essential to consider the specific requirements of a project when deciding which programming language to use.

Scala remains a top choice for big-data applications, but for other projects, its complexity and fewer available programmers may offset some of its advantages.

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Top comments (1)

valerys profile image

Both language platforms have their advantages and uses, and the choice between them depends on the specific tasks and preferences of the developer. Thank you for clarifying the key points in this 'battle'!