With a week left before BitBucket sunsets Mercurial on July 1st, I've decided to use GitHub now for Coding Grace (plus it's all in one place now).
It's sad as I'm a very big fan of Mercurial and BitBucket when they started off and was on their side as git came about and then GitHub. I've always had no problems with Mercurial, but it's mostly because I work on my own projects.
Anyhoo, one of the popular workshops from Coding Grace is my "Learn Python by Maker your Text Adventure Game", so I'm popping that on GitHub now.
Learn Python making a text-based adventure game
Your laptop with 3.6.x (onwards) installed.
NOTE: Those with Linux and MacOSX would have Python installed by default, no action required.
Windows: Download the version for your laptop via https://www.python.org/downloads/
- In your preferred editor, make sure indentation is set to "4 spaces".
- There's an instructor's guide that accompany this workshop.
- Inspired by Learning Python the Hard Way: http://learnpythonthehardway.org/ (See Chapter 43 on one way of implementing FSM)
- Other resources: http://www.codinggrace.com/resources/
I'll see what other workshop repos to add, but this would be a good chance to start planning workshops (online possibly) and get new workshop content on current tech folks are interested in learning and are used in the industry at the moment.
So one last farewell to BitBucket (and Mercurial), and thanks for all the fish. I knew this would happen ever since Atlassian took over.
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