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Corentin Bettiol
Corentin Bettiol

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I just realized that the module I created a few years ago just broke the 100 likes mark on github, and I wanted to share how happy I am!

It was my first project when I started working with Kapt.

Today, Django Check SEO is the most known open source module made by Kapt (but it's not the only one, you can find a list of our open source python modules on PyPi[0]). It's one of our last Python module hosted on Github, since we're using Gitlab since a few years and it's working well.

This module (and the posts I made to share it with the community of web developers) was a big step for me, and I watched the numbers go up and up as the months passed.

Today I think that this project reached a new high, since it received its first PR from another developer! It's really cool to see that all of our hard work is helping others, and that sometimes other people will work with our project, not only for them, but for all the other devs too.

The number of likes looks like it's really low, but you can see that Django Check SEO is 11th on the topic django-cms on Github :P

So thank you all, keep creating nice modules we can use, we're still creating nice modules too, sharing is really something cool to do on Internet!

[0] One example is this lovely little module named "djangocms-filer-display-pages-where-files-are-used-before-removing-them".

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