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Go is an open-source programming language created by Google. As one of the fastest-growing languages in terms of popularity, its a great time to pick up the basics of Go! These courses present here are designed to get you up and running as fast as possible with Go. The main aim is for you to learn the basics of Go, an open-source programming language originally developed by a team at Google and enhanced by many contributors from the open-source community.
Advantages of using Go:
- Has concise variable declaration and initialization through type inference
- Has faster compile times
- Remote package management
- Built-in concurrency primitives, light-weight processes (go routines), channels, and the select statement.
- A tool chain that, by default, produces statically linked native binaries without external dependencies.
Go is designed to be easy to pick up, but tough to master. Through multiple projects, quizzes, and assignments, you will quickly start to master the language's quirks and oddities. Go is like any other language - you have to write code to learn it! This course list will give you ample opportunities to strike out on your own and start working on your own programs.
1. Go: The Complete Developer's Guide (Golang)
In this course, you will understand the basic syntax and control structures of the language as well as how to apply Go's concurrency model to build massively parallel systems grasp the purpose of types which is especially important if you're coming from a dynamically typed languages like Javascript or Ruby.
Course rating: 4.6 out of 5.0 ( 11,343 Ratings total)
In this course, you will learn how to:
- build massively concurrent programs with Go Routines and Channels.
- work with advanced features of Go.
- understand the differences between commonly used data structures.
- prove your knowledge with dozens of included quiz questions.
- apply Interfaces to dramatically simplify complex programs.
- use types to future-proof your code and reduce the difficulty of refactors.
2.Learn Golang Course online
Go was designed in the tradition of C, but has been modified to become simpler, concise and safer. It has been written specifically for systems programming and comes with additions such as garbage collection, safety features, and CSP-style concurrent programming features. This course has been designed to teach you the fundamentals of Go programming language. Since its introduction in 2009 by Google, it has become a go-to language for many developers because of its flexible nature and user-friendly syntax.
Course rating: 4.6 out of 5.0 ( 553 Ratings total)
In this course, you will learn:
- What is Go programming language and why should you use it?
- Setting up a Go development environment.
- Introduction to Go syntax and application development.
- Go Language Fundamentals such as basic Go types, functions and pointers.
- Go Concurrency such as the Go memory model, Goroutines and Go Pipelines.
- How to use Go with Cloud Services including Google Cloud, Amazon Cloud, and Docker?
- How does Go work with language bindings such as C, Python, and Java?
- What problems can arise when creating applications and how to deal with them?
3. Getting Started with Go
This course is designed for individuals with previous programming experience using such languages as C, Python, or Java, and covers the fundamental elements of Go. Topics include data types, protocols, formats, and writing code that incorporates RFCs and JSON. Most importantly, you will have a chance to practice writing Go programs and receive feedback from your peers. Upon completing this course, you will be able to implement simple Go programs, which will prepare you for subsequent study at a more advanced level.
Course rating: 4.6 out of 5.0 ( 710 Ratings total)
In this course, you will learn how to:
- implement simple Go programs, which will prepare you for the remaining two courses in this specialization: Functions, Methods, and Interfaces in Go and Concurrency in Go.
- take advantage of using Go and begin exploring the language's features.
- be educated enough to write a simple program that displays “Hello, World” on your screen.
- use the remote function calls (RFCs) and JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) in Go.
- access and manipulate data from external files, and have an opportunity to write several routines using Go that exercise this functionality.
4. Go Essential Training
This course is designed to help developers be productive with Go, starting with the essentials of the syntax. Learn the basics of Go basic types such as numbers and strings; working with conditionals and loops; creating object-oriented code with structs and methods; and handling errors.
In this course, you will learn how to:
- write more efficient, reliable applications with Go.
- understand Go basics, including programming with Go basic types, structs and functions, concurrency, and networking.
5. How to Code: Learn Google's Go (golang) Programming Language
This course is the ultimate comprehensive resource for learning the Go Programming Language. This course is perfect for both beginners and experienced developers. The course is full of examples, hands-on exercises, solutions to the hands-on exercises, and an amazing code repository. This course is tried, tested, and proven to train beginners and experienced developers on how to use Go. It has a tremendous amount of content and resources so that you can learn everything you need to know - whatever is appropriate for your ability level.
Course rating: 4.4 out of 5.0 ( 12,521 Ratings total)
In this course, you will learn how to:
- perform the process of concurrency, channels, and benchmarking.
- understand the testing process, error handling, and documentation.
- use the valuable code base present in this course.
You can take How to Code: Learn Google's Go (golang) Programming Language Certificate Course on Udemy.
6. An Introduction to Programming in Go - Learn Interactively
This course aims to provide a detailed introduction to Go for beginners. Furthermore, it also articulates how Go is different from traditional programming languages that programmers are accustomed to in order to acquaint programmers getting ready to delve into Go with the language too.
Course rating: out of 5.0 ( 0 Ratings total)
In this course, you will learn the:
- advantages and disadvantages of static typing in Go.
- development of skills such as knowing how to do data modeling with Go, organize code in packages, test code, write documentation, use JSON marshaling, build a web API (depending on exercises), test a web API (depending on exercises), cross-compile, and use the key go tools.
- potential and importance of the Go language.
Thanks for reading this article. If you like these web development courses, then please share it with your friends. Also, you can also discover Free Golang Programming Courses
If you have any questions or feedback or If you think any course needs to be added into this list please comment about them.
Top comments (3)
Go has a lot "going" for it (pun intended), for instance a speedy compiler - however, I'm sorry, but for me the design of the language is way too much dumbed down, and unnecessarily so.
For instance, the lack of generics sucks big time and sticks out like a sore thumb - this means that any sort of non-imperative programming style (say map-filter-reduce) is completely out the window.
I understand that with Go they've put simplicity at its core, but the balance between power on the one hand and a small (tiny even) learning curve on the other is tilted far, far, far too much towards the latter.
I've studied both Rust and Go and I found the former much more intellectually satisfying.
"The Go Workshop" - @Packt, is an excellent introductory text. The "Workshop" format injects videos into the online reader where the authors walk the reader through the exercises.