We're gonna go over what state machines are and how a statechart, which is like "state machine 2.0", can help you build more robust applications.
We'll be using xstate
, which is a statechart
library and reactJS. But you could be replace reactJS
with any other framework really.
The overall goal is to reduce cognitive load when developing your UI, by having your UI be a function of state.
current state | UI |
list | show list |
list.loading | show specific list loading image |
noResults | show no results message |
The code for this post can be found at:
Chat bot example built with Xstate and ReactJs
This repo contains the code for this blog post
We go over what state machines are and how a statechart, which is like "state machine 2.0", can help you build more robust applications.
It uses Xstate(statecharts) and reactJS to build a chat bot flow π₯
This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.
Available Scripts
In the project directory, you can run:
npm start
Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
The page will reload if you make edits.
You will also see any lint errors in the console.
A State Machine?
The term state machine has always felt a bit weird to me.
It might be easier to initially see it as:
A function that does things that are related ONLY to the current state of the app with the given input.
const currentState = "isLoading";
function machine(input) {
if (currentState === "isLoading") {
// *only* do things related to `isLoading` state with `input`
if (currentState === "isError") {
// *only* do things related to `isError` state with `input`
Here's a familiar state machine:
// currentState is `idle`
fetch() // currentState is `fetching`
(successResults) => {
// currentState is 'success'
// stateful data is 'successResults'
(errorMsg) => {
// currentState is 'error'
// stateful data is 'errorMsg'
can only be one thing at a time, you don't run into these checks:
if (isLoading && !isError) // ...
if (!isLoading && isError) // ...
if (isLoading && isError) // ...
A complex system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a simple system that worked. - John Gall
Two types of state
There are two types of state:
- Current State of your app. These answer questions like:
- "is it loading?"
- "is there an error?"
- "are we fetching user data?"
The answers here will determine which component is used:
if (currentState === 'error') {
return <Error />;
- Stateful data. This is called
. These answer questions like:
- "what is the error message?"
- "what are the results from the API request?"
- "which filter/option is currently selected?"
The answers here will determine which props a component has:
if (currentState === 'error') {
return <Error msg={context.errorMsg}>
Tell me which state we're in and I'll tell you what the UI looks like
The UI should be a function of the state.
This is different from having the UI be a function of the data we currently have.
π Function of state:
if (currentState === list.noResults) {
return "No Results found";
if (currentState === list.isError) {
return "Oops!";
π Data that we currently have:
if (list.length === 0) {
// the list is empty, so we probably don't have any results"
return "No Results found";
if (list.errMsg) {
// list.err is not empty, show an error message #yolo
return "Oops";
βοΈ This is an important distinction. βοΈ
The conversation here shifts from:
"What do we do if we have zero results ?"
We could have zero results because of an error, we haven't fetched anything yet, or we really don't have any results. Each one of these is a different state.
"What does the UI look like when we're in a
You're now building your UI to account for each state.
Does the title change?
Do the icons change?
Does something become disabled?
Should there be a try again button?
State Chart Configuration
A State Chart is a state machine that can contain other state machines... and more!
At the base of all of this is the configuration for your statechart.
You declare:
- the possible states that can exist
loading, error, noResults, listing, details, etc..
- the
that can happen within each state:action/TRY_AGAIN
can only happen if we're in thelisting.error
state - the
, needed to pass before moving on to a different state e.g: We will only move to thenoResults
state if we have a success response andtotal === 0
It's cool to configure a state machine where the vast majority of your UI logic can be understood from it.
Try to understand the config below before seeing the explanation of it:
// guards.js - conditional functions used to determine what the next step in the flow is
const guards = {
shouldCreateNewTicket: (ctx, { data }) => data.value === "new_ticket",
shouldFindTicket: (ctx, { data }) => data.value === "find_ticket"
// actions.js - functions that perform an action like updating the stateful data in the app
const actions = {
askIntroQuestion: ctx => {
return {
chat: ["How may I help you?"]
// constants/state.js constants to represent the current state of the app
const intro = "@state/INTRO";
const question = "@state/QUESTION";
const newTicket = "@state/NEW_TICKET";
const findTicket = "@state/FIND_TICKET";
// constants/actions.js: constants to represent actions to be taken
const ANSWER = "@state/ANSWER";
const config = Machine({
initial: intro,
states: {
[intro]: {
initial: question,
on: {
cond: "shouldCreateNewTicket",
actions: "updateCtxWithAnswer",
target: newTicket
cond: "shouldFindTicket",
actions: "updateCtxWithAnswer",
target: findTicket
states: {
[question]: { onEntry: "askIntroQuestion" }
[newTicket]: {},
[findTicket]: {}

The snippet above reads as:
- initial state is
from states.intro- the initial state inside of
is question -
we'll trigger actionaskIntroQuestion
- nothing happens here... the UI is idle... now we wait
- on an
event:- if
- go to
state - if
- go to
- if
- the initial state inside of
And can be visualized at https://statecharts.github.io/xstate-viz/
YO! This visualization is built from the actual code!
I β€οΈ THIS!
These aren't code comments or a spec-32.pdf
on the shared hard drive that hasn't been updated in 8 months.
Imagine how much this helps drive conversations about the product flow and how it aligns stakeholders around what each state of the app is.
It becomes clear if there is an error
or if there should be a noResults
vs. an error
Okay... Let's build a chatbot flow

Here's the spec and flow... boring I know... but stay with me here.
As a user I want to be able to:
- Create a new ticket to order something
- Find an existing ticket
- There should be
states anderror
states if applicable
Create new ticket
- when ordering an item:
- if we don't have that item in stock:
- show a warning message
- show item options with the out of stock item greyed out
- user should be able to select from options again
- if we have the item in stock:
- show success message
- if there's an error
- show error message
Find ticket
if found:
- display what was ordered
- ask the user if they would like to send a "ping" to that order
if not found:
- display a warning msg
- ask the user if they would like to create a new ticket
Here's a bit of the machine config:
const flowMachine = Machine({
initial: intro,
states: {
[intro]: {
initial: question,
on: {
target: newTicket,
cond: "shouldCreateNewTicket",
actions: "updateCtxWithAnswer"
target: findTicket,
cond: "shouldFindTicket",
actions: "updateCtxWithAnswer"
states: {
[question]: { onEntry: "askIntroQuestion" }
[findTicket]: {
initial: question,
on: {
[ANSWER]: { target: `.${pending}`, actions: 'updateCtxWithAnswer' }
states: {
[question]: { onEntry: 'askFindTicket' },
[error]: {},
[noResults]: {},
[pending]: {
invoke: {
src: 'getTicket',
onDone: [
target: done,
actions: 'updateCtxWithResults',
cond: 'foundTicket'
{ target: noResults }
onError: error
[done]: { type: 'final' }
onDone: pingTicket
- in
: - Once the user answers the question, we'll move onto the
state where we'll invoke apromise
- if there is an error:
- we move to the
- we move to the
- else
- if
is true, we move to thedone
state - if
is false, we move to thenoResults
- if
Here's one way to render component per state
Rendering a component based on the current state is great.
Here's one of the many ways you could choose to render a component
or pass different props based on the currentState
of the app.
here refers to the app state "isLoading, error, etc."
refers to the stateful data that currently have
* Array of
* [].<StateName, function>
* NOTE: specificity matters here so a more specific state
* should be first in the list. e.g:
* 'findTicket.noResults'
* 'findTicket'
* On state 'findTicket.foo', 'findTicket' will be matched
const stateRenderers = [
[newTicket, ({ onSelect, currentState }) =>
onSelect={onSelect} />
[`${findTicket}.${noResults}`, () =>
<Msg>Sorry, we can't find your ticket</Msg>],
[`${findTicket}.${error}`, () => <Msg>Oops, we ran into an error!</Msg>],
[findTicket, ({ onSelect }) => <FindTicketForm onSelect={onSelect} />]
// components/Choices.jsx
const Choices = ({ currentState, ...props}) => (
// based on current state, get a function from `stateRenders`
// and render it with the props we have
const [stateName, renderState] =
stateRenderers.find(([key]) => currentState.matches(key));
return renderState(props);
And here's...

Here's a different setup to display components based on current
app state.
Something to note here. currentState
is only one thing
at a time, so you're not doing boolean checks here of
vs. error
<ChatBody data-testid="ChatBody">
// display any chat info that exists in context
{currentState.context.chat.map(({ question, answer }) => (
<React.Fragment key={`${question}.${answer}`}>
{answer && <ChatMsgAnswer>{answer}</ChatMsgAnswer>}
// display message based on the current state that we're in
// NOTE: only one of this is possible at a time
{currentState.matches(pending) && <ChatMsgLoading />}
{currentState.matches(error) && <ChatMsgError />}
{currentState.matches(noResults) && (
{currentState.matches(itemOrdered) && (
Alright... hopefully you've made it this far.
Check out the code for some more stuff.
I think this builds nicely on top of the redux
patterns that have been working out like message passing, one flow direction, separation of data management from components.
I've found it surprisingly easy to adjust to requirement changes using this pattern.
It has gone something like this:
- spec changes
- adjust state machine config first
- reflect the new state in the UI
"okay, we just need to get to this new state. Once we're in that state, we just need to make the UI reflect what that specific state should like"
- Does this replace redux?
Yup. But the redux patterns are still applicable.
- Have a place that reduces your data based on an event
- Data flows one way
- separate APIs
- What about prop-drilling?
- I think the issue is overblown.
- You could break out your components a bit better or use react.context
Top comments (5)
Great read Cristiano. xstate definitely looks interesting and something I'd like to dig into a bit more. I recently watched David K. Piano @davidkpiano , the creator of xstate for the uninitiated, and Jason Lengstorf, @jlengstorf from Gatsby on Twitch build some suff with Gatsby, React and xstate. Cool stuff.
Here's the recording for those interested.
Hadn't seen the video, I'll check it out :)
I've definitely become of a fan of coding in this way. Adjusting to spec changes and code creep has been a lot less stressful.
The code reads like an English prose with no state overlooked π.
yeah, it really forces you to account for or at least thing about all possible states π
Great and very accessible intro, thank you!