“You’re only as good as the tools you use”
This saying has been around for years and highlights the importance of using the correct tool for the j...
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Avataaars generator is as useful as its name evokes ship theft on the high seas.
I'm using it as we speak. Look at this guy, see how smug he is? Maybe it's because he just found this list of useful stuff:
Also, this piraaate who died happy, doing what he loved, "...stabbing Windows and having it bleed..."
Super cool resources! 🔥
For those who're still hungry for more resources, I wrote a post earlier this year:
Bookmark these websites for your next UI project right now! 🎨
Vaibhav Khulbe ・ Mar 16 '20 ・ 6 min read
Amazing post. I'll definitely add some of your contributions on the Curated Design Tools repo.
A curated list of the tools we use to enhance our design wokflow.
Design Applications
Design tools
Feel free to open a pull request if you want 😉
I've contributed few buttons on CSSeffectsSnippets, happy to see you use it. 🙌
Great post. Would you like to include a tool project to use icons? And I'd like to link your post.
A collection of over 33,000 high-quality free svg icons and tools for generating customized icon font. All icons are completely free for personal or business requirements.
A collection of over 33,000 high-quality free svg icons and tools for generating customized icon font. All icons are completely free for personal or business requirements.
A collection of over 33,000 high-quality free svg icons and tools for generating customized icon font. All icons are completely free for personal or business requirements.
🔶 Desktop Application for Windows, Linux, MacOS is released, or goto Download Releases 🔶
Open See all icons, to view all icons. You can change color, background color, size for icons and can search or cache selected results.
Update: Now you can download PNG, JPG, ICO and Apple ICNS image files directly from online.
You can use this tool to combine / generate your own icon webfonts for your project from different sources.
This relevant license information is included in generated css file automatically.
Icon Collections:
great list, thx. check this out for images/videos:
All images/videos containing people are model released, so you can use them in commercial projects as well, unlike in many other "free" image sites.
absolutely helpful. thanks
Awesome 😍 😍
A truly remarkable and outstanding article.
Take a look at this one: gradienta.io
They also have an editor to make gradient: gradienta.io/editor
Awesome...All in one😍😍😍
Fantastic. Now I want to use all of this immediately!
Thank you!
Amazing List here.
I just discovered better-mobile-inputs.
Nice tool, thanks bro
Very helpful article. Thank you for sharing.
We recently launched Materio Vuetify VueJS Admin Template that can be useful for frontend development and responsive web apps.
Hey, the UI Bakery UX/UI Designer has just published the article on the 2020 UX/UI design trends with the relevant tools and interfaces examples. Check it out: uibakery.io/post/2020-ux-ui-design...
Many of them are my favorite tools, thanks for such a great content.
Great collection of tools. I would like to contribute to the list with my latest project. Free collection of customizable Tabler icons from Pawel at tablericons.com
That's bookmarked already. Cool stuff!
Oh dude this post it's so greeeat. Thanks man.
Dude, you deserve for real props on this one. HOOOOLY, like this is great! I definitely needed this to take my web dev to the next level.
I would like to contribute with my latest side project that ables you to configure more than 550 SVG icons named Tabler Icons
wonderful! thanks!
Awesome list - thanks for adding my CSS Separator Generator :D
Awesome 🔥🔥🔥
Thanks a lot for the list.
Wow, that are awesome resources! Thank you for sharing them <3
I bookmarked many of them and looking forward to use them for upcoming projects :)
Awesome collection,
Thanks for sharing 😇
Awesome! Thank you for sharing.
Where have I been? There are so many amazing tools out there that I haven't yet discovered. Wow! Thank you so much for this post!!
Awesome ! Thank you ;)
Amazing colloction 💥
This post helped a lot
Wowwwwww this is gold!!!!!!. thanks a lot for this
I don't know where to start, but THANK YOUUUU!!!
This is awesome list! Thanks!
Wow! Awesome!.. Just awesome! I'm not familiar with most of them, and they're tools that will really be useful for me.
Thank You! ✨
Great Post 🙌. All of them are fabulous.
Thanks for sharing.
Hi there, I've created a color palette tool called colorsui.com. It's a free color tool.
Really awesome content
This list is great!
At the same time share a free online tool website, hoping to help fans jsonformatting.com/
Feel free to add Lordicon Animated Icons
Feel free to add Lordicon Animated Icons
thank you ❤
Wow.. this list is AMAZING!
I would add also EOS icons to the list icons.eosdesignsystem.com/, as they are purely open source icons and 100% customizable.
Thank you for sharing!
Please follow instagram : @master_javascript
Great list. 🤩 We have also prepared the list of Best Open Source Web Development Tools.
If someone is looking for best design resources, must refer this post: dev.to/theme_selection/best-design...
Thanks :) Great collection! It’s really very useful.
Add twitpile to the list!
Hello, I like your article very much. May I translate your article into Chinese and share it with Chinese developers?I will attach a link to the original and the author's name.
illustrations potential addition: undraw.co/illustrations
Awesome tools..
Amazing! You saved a lot of my time.
Amazing Content!!!
There is something for anyone here, thanks!!
Thank you!
Great post! Thanks for all these new resources!
Amazing resources, thank you!
OMG thnks :0
Wow, awesome list. Thanks for sharing!
Wow, super useful. Very kind of you to share 😍
This is so awesome!
I am so glad I followed the link in the newsletter :) Terrific collection of tools I had no idea existed. Thanks
This is amazing! Thank you for publishing this awesome resource for user interfaces. I did not even know remove background existed and it will be so very helpful to future projects!!!!!
this is me ))
Awesome, this resources are really helpful thanks ! :D
Interesting, will check them out.
One addition for React (and styled-components) devs when it comes to icons: styled-icons.js.org/
Wow fontsarena looks awesome! I've been looking for something like that since a long time. Thanks man ❤️
Great list! Thanks a lot for sharing!!
One of the best lists, now i can learn how they make smooth animations
I found design checklist a great resource.
Very good content, about the font part, recommend a font download site that I often use, maybe it can be added to this list? fontskey.com
Thank you so much for this.
It was really helpful.