After over two months of design and development (and lots of debugging), the CubicleSoft File Explorer widget is ready!
A zero dependencies, customizable, pure Javascript widget for navigating, managing, uploading, and downloading files and folders or other hierarchical object structures on any modern web browser.
Here's a live demo of the widget:
Things you can do with the widget (non-exhaustive list):
- Create new folders and files.
- Rename folders and files.
- Upload files and entire folders. Supports drag-and-drop from the desktop.
- Download files one by one OR a bunch of files and/or entire folders as streaming ZIP files.
- Cut/copy/paste using the clipboard. Even works between different web browsers.
- Drag-and-drop items to move them to another folder. Even works between different browser tabs.
- Delete files and folders and/or move them to a recycling bin.
- Select multiple folders and files. Many different ways to do this.
- Open files. (Open being application-defined.)
- Navigate back and forth through folder history.
If I were to pick one feature as my favorite, it would have to be the mouse click + drag selection box with variable speed scrolling. I sunk more time into that feature than I probably should have.
I look forward to reading what you think about this widget in the comments below! Or just hit the heart/unicorn button and/or star the repo or whatever. That's cool too.
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