Hi👋! Hoping everyone is doing well in these hard times.
This is my first ever blog post, so I would like to give a really brief introduction of myself.
I'm a self-taught frontend developer based in Tokyo🗼. My current interests are Javascript, React.js, Typescript, and Web Accessibility, so I am looking forward to sharing what I've learned about each topic.
I don't want to just say hi👋 and end this post, so as I wrote in the title I would like to share some Blogs, Podcasts, Resources about web development, frontend, accessibility that I've found useful and use every day at work or for learning something new.
Table Of Contents
- Overreacted.io: Personal blog of Dan Abramov.
- Kent C. Dodds Blog: He has a React course for anyone looking to learn React. @kentcdodds
- David Walsh Blog: @davidwalshblog
- Catalin Pit Blog: @catalinmpit
- uhyo Blog🤪: It's in Japanese, but Google translate is not that bad recently🤪. @uhyo writes about JS, Typescript, React, Web-related.
- Sara Soueidan Blog: @SaraSoueidan
- Kyle Shevlin Blog: @kyleshevlin
- Maxime Heckel Blog: @MaximeHeckel
- Syntax: hosted by @wesbos and @stolinski
- React Podcast: hosted by @chantastic
- Front End Happy Hour: a podcast featuring a panel of Software Engineers from Netflix, Twitch, & Atlassian
- JavaScript Jabber: hosted by @devchattv
- Darknet Diaries: hosted by @JackRhysider
- Hackable?
Other Resources
🤖 WebDev, Programming & Stuff...
- CSS-Tricks
- Codepen
- Alligator.io
- Smashing Magazine
- SitePoint
- MDN(Mozilla Developer Network)
- Stackoverflow
- egghead.io
- A List Apart
- Codrops
- Echo JS
- Front-End Front
- Best of JavaScript
- Scotch.io
- Google Web Fundamentals
- CSS-irl
- web.dev/measure
🤖🇯🇵 WebDev, Programming & Stuff... but in Japanese
- Qiita: One of the most popular tech blog platform in Japan.
- ICS Media
- Zenn
- TechFeed.io
🦾 Accessibility(A11Y)
- a11y project
- w3.org
- MDN Accessibility
- WebAIM
- a11ytips: by @hellonehha
- Udacity Web Accessibility Free Udacity Web Accessibility course by Google
- A11ycasts: Youtube videos about a11y concepts hosted by @rob_dodson Chrome Developer Advocate at Google
- marcysutton.com: @marcysutton
Google Lighthouse: Great tool for validating your site accessibility. Thanks @billraymond 🎉
- Lighthouse accessibility scoring
- How to use Lighthouse to do an a11y audit: Nice intro about how to use Lighthouse for a11y.
I might be missing some but these are some Blogs, Podcasts, and Resources that I like and use a lot.
Hoping someone finds this useful 🙂.
Top comments (2)
Thank you for the introduction and all the resources! I like to use Google Lighthouse as a way to validate my site for accessibility. Of course it does not cover everything, but it does capture the items that are most common with websites.
Hi Bill! Thanks for the comment. Hope you found sth useful🙂.
Indeed it is a great tool. I like to use it too. Thanks for sharing! 🎉 ( added to the list 😏). Also added new a11y resources too.