Every week we publish the top 10 popular posts on daily.dev.
This week's articles will help you move your development environment to the cloud, become a web developer, and learn cool new libraries.
Shout out to all the authors 👏
10 Clean Coding Practices
🏅 Clean Coding is all about readability. Help others or even your future-self to maintain this code you just wrote. Here 10 guidelines for you to follow.
5 Things I Didn’t Know About JavaScript Operators
📝 Mainly basic facts about operators but there are also some cool easter-eggs that you probably didn't know about some operators.
Create a crazy input interaction with lax.js. 🤪
🤯 A walk-through with code-snippets to lax.js. A super cool library if you ask me.
Smaller, Faster, and Cheaper Coding Laptops via AWS
☁️ A cost-efficient method to migrate your development environment to the cloud.
Don’t Choose Your Main Programming Language Before Reading This
🤔 Overcoming the clickbait title, this article extracts some information from the StackOverflow's survey. The data is laid out nicely, not sure if this will help you to choose your next language.
Why is Go overtaking Node.js?
🆚 A slightly biased comparison of Go and Nodejs. It includes some aspects such as performance and development tools.
How I Learned to Code and Built a Real Software Product in 6 Months
🧙♂️ The journey of a 30-years-old guy that never wrote a line of code for building his first product. This post includes useful resources, courses, and tools.
How to Learn Web Development in 2021 - a Web Developer Roadmap
🛣 A comprehensive roadmap for becoming a web developer. It includes 3 parts tools, languages, and libraries. Every step has a reference for a course or tutorial to learn from.
Announcing Squoosh v2
🗜 Squoosh is an image compression tool. The Chrome team just launched a new version with great new features and perks.
GitHub Dark Mode is too Dark
🌑 GitHub recently launched a dark mode but could it be too dark? Apparently, yes.
🙌 Wrap Up!
That was all for this week. We will come back with another list of interesting development posts next week.
daily.dev delivers the best programming news every new tab. We will rank hundreds of qualified sources for you so that you can hack the future.
Top comments (3)
Nice article! This is very useful info. You have a typo in the "Go vs Nodejs" section.
"A slightly biased comparison of Go and Nodejs. It includes some aspects such as performance and development tootls."
I'm pretty sure you meant to write "tools"
You're right! I need to fix it :) thanks
Thanks for including my article! 😃