DEV Community

Muhammad Syuqri
Muhammad Syuqri

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What is YOUR ultimate goal that you want to achieve as a developer?

We all know that the journey of a developer is one that requires constant learning, no matter how long you have been on the road. However, what is that one thing that you want to achieve, and when you do achieve it, you can sit back and say, "Ahhh.. I have finally fulfilled my purpose as a developer!"

(It can be directly or indirectly related to being a developer)

Top comments (14)

dansyuqri profile image
Muhammad Syuqri

Personally for me, I would like to build something that is beneficial to the society. It may not be just one thing, but a combination of things. I have not exactly pin-pointed what I would like to make, but I guess that gives me the freedom to explore more technologies before settling on a problem and crafting a solution for it. As a junior developer with still a lot to learn, that is my end goal, and it is what motivates me to improve myself as a developer :D

rogues_gallery profile image

I'm really frustrated with how irresponsible many companies are today with their customer data. So, I'm learning how to build me my own applications as my way of 'having a voice.' With consumer goods, it's easier to 'vote with my wallet' than it is online - so I'm doing something about it for my own sake.

dgbrewer1989 profile image
David Brewer

When I started going to college for programming I said "I want this as my career because I feel like I can create anything in code!" That was my goal back in 2010. I wanted to be able to create anything that I could think up, no matter how over the top it seemed. Now I feel like my goal is to teach others about what I've learned and hopefully help them avoid the struggles of getting started in the software world. I don't think I can ever really say that I'm done and I've met my goal but I'm happy for the goal I have right now.

dansyuqri profile image
Muhammad Syuqri

When I started going to college for programming I said "I want this as my career because I feel like I can create anything in code!"

My sentiments exactly! And that's an awesome goal :) Contributing back to the community. The learning curve for programming is quite steep. It's no doubt that I admire people like you, who make the journey a bit easier. Keep up the great work!

Here's to constantly learning new things to help others :D

dansyuqri profile image
Muhammad Syuqri

Don't let that shatter your hopes! Life certainly has unfair parts, but on other parts of it, it gives more than you ask for.. It's just how it works haha.. But perhaps work on those dreams as a side project, and hopefully it'll become a career one day.. All the best!! :D

kspeakman profile image
Kasey Speakman • Edited

I guess my dream is to have the resources (especially the ability to hire fellow devs) to explore my ideas and contribute useful things to the world at large. Many things I want to do, I cannot accomplish alone. Maybe like the artists of old, I need a patron to sponsor the work. I could start my own company I suppose, but that brings a lot of new problems that I don't want to focus on. My current job enables me to work (slowly) towards one or two of my ideas, so that's pretty cool.

But I have several projects I want to do. Examples.

  • pull-based event-driven architecture on the cloud - Most existing ones I read about push events to subscribers (e.g. Kafka) or else "pull" is really poll. I have an idea for pub/sub event notification separate from event fetching. So listeners really are pulling, and only what they need.
  • functional event-sourced api templates - At work, we arrived at a really clean non-frameworky implementation for our API (in F#). I'd love to polish it up and release it open source as a template that you adjust to your needs. Several small libraries I developed (at home) in support of this probably also need released. But I am very wary of needing to maintain such things if people did like them -- I probably won't make time.
  • chess solver - Given an exabyte, the compute resources, and experts in storage and hashing, I believe I can map every possible chess move within my lifetime. These are napkin-math estimates based on the storage size of each self-contained board. I developed an encoding to get down to between 2 and ~24 bytes per board... most boards being closer to the middle in size. So it could all fit in an exabyte.
  • event-sourced game engine - An ECS variation informed by so many arch things I learned from business systems. Probably a Unity Store product. Unity by default is horrendously frameworky, and I don't like that.
  • space video game - Slogan: design, automate, build your empire.
courier10pt profile image
Bob van Hoove • Edited

(To keep) working on things for a cause I feel good about. Typically: not the things that primarily help rich people get richer.

Also I think it would be great fun to tackle some more complex domains, working with clients to reach a common understanding that's reflected in the software such that it makes their job easier. I guess that's the DDD spirit.

edit: Great question btw :)

dansyuqri profile image
Muhammad Syuqri

Thank you :D

That's true. It would be great to bridge that gap between clients and developers, so that clients themselves are able to understand certain limitations in their requirements/demands.

Keep it up working on a good cause and creating an impact on others :D

tux0r profile image

I want to have an IT ecosystem where form follows function again.

dansyuqri profile image
Muhammad Syuqri

Ahhh i see.. How do you intend to achieve that goal, may I ask?

tux0r profile image

I try my best to contribute articles and software to support that.

jochemstoel profile image
Jochem Stoel

I will introduce the first natural language processing engine that beats the Turing test. Everything else I do are details.

puremana profile image

Currently my goal is to become a senior Web developer within 5 years from now.

dansyuqri profile image
Muhammad Syuqri

Work hard (and also play hard :P) Here's to improving ourselves as developers.
