
Taras Dashkevych
Taras Dashkevych

Posted on

Microsoft: Fluent UI vs UI Fabric

Microsoft has its own design language which is called Fluent Design System. There is also Fluent UI which is a component library. To my understanding, it's based on Fluent Design System (please correct me if I am wrong). Moreover, Microsoft has one more component library called UI Fabric. It is a part of the Fluent Design System as well.

If they both are based on the Fluent Design System, what is a difference between them? Will the Fluent UI library and the UI Fabric library be merged in the future? When developing a web app/site, which library to use?

Top comments (4)

levithomason profile image
Levi Thomason • Edited

Hi folks, FluentUI architect here. Fluent Design System is the official design system of Microsoft. We are in the process of converging our component library efforts under the Fluent banner and providing broader support. was originally called "Stardust" here at Microsoft. It primarily ran Teams. Microsoft also has many products running on "UI Fabric" ( We are converging these two projects into a single official "FluentUI" project. In the process, we're making performance improvements and enabling greater interoperability of these components across more places and platforms at Microsoft.

There will be official announcements and more clarity coming soon.

dance2die profile image
Sung M. Kim

You might want to ping Microsoft Design team on twitter.

dashkevych profile image
Taras Dashkevych

Hey Sung,

Thank you for a suggestion. I've sent them a message once this post has been published but I've not heard from them yet.

dance2die profile image
Sung M. Kim

They might or might not reach back depending on their situation.

You could also research specific people and ping'em :)