DEV Community

David Frempong
David Frempong

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Installing Node Js. Ubuntu, and Gulp - Tips

I recently spent four days in the terminal trying to start a jQuery application. Here are some mistakes I made so you don't have to.

One, follow the documentation step by step. Even when I had one space or letter off, I had trouble installing the packages.

Two, when typing in your Sudo password, Windows will keep it invisible for confidentiality, so commit it to memory if possible, and don't worry if you can't see it.

Here's a very helpful tip. You know how in JS, you can use console.log to debug? Here's a easy way to debug in Ubuntu to make sure that everything is working correctly.

   gulp --version
   npm --version
   node --version
   npx --version 
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

You should get four sets of numbers like this: 6.14.4.

Also, if running an application, and you're using npm run watch, make sure you have both a local and external access URL.

And of course, don't give up. The problem will be solved, and hopefully with these tips you won't be in the terminal as long as I was.

Top comments (1)

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David Frempong

I will! Thanks bro!