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David Hubber
David Hubber

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Enhance Your Development Workflow with These Handpicked Resources

Enhance Your Development Workflow with These Handpicked Resources

Bookmark File (GitHub)

As a web development enthusiast with 15 years of experience, my journey in this realm has been driven by passion and curiosity, rather than professional pursuit. This path has been marked by continuous exploration and learning, where each new tool or resource opens up a world of possibilities, many of which I am still discovering.

Today, I’m excited to share with you a collection that is particularly close to my heart. It’s a compilation of web development bookmarks, a comprehensive assortment of tools and resources that I’ve come across in my explorations. While I have not delved into each of these tools in depth, they represent a diverse range of solutions that have caught my interest and seem promising for various aspects of web development.

The original compilation was not curated by me but by a far more skilled individual in the web development community, Full stack web developer and online instructor, Brad Traversy. I have taken these resources and organized them into a bookmarks HTML file, tailored for Chrome users. This is my contribution to making these tools more accessible and easy to explore for anyone who shares a love for web development, whether as a hobby or a profession.

Collection Highlights

This collection spans a wide array of categories, from Angular UI Libraries to Syntactic Sugar, encompassing a broad spectrum of web development needs. Each tool and resource included has piqued my interest at some point, and I hope to explore many of them more deeply as I continue my journey in web development.

Angular UI Libraries

Angular UI libraries provide a robust framework for building dynamic and responsive web applications. They offer a range of components and services that can significantly cut down development time while ensuring a sleek, professional look and feel.


Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a powerhouse in cloud computing. From hosting solutions to scalable storage options, AWS offers a breadth of services that cater to various needs of web development, ensuring high availability and performance.

Chrome Extensions

Chrome extensions can significantly enhance your development experience. They offer functionalities like live CSS editing, performance analysis, and SEO insights, right in your browser.


The right color scheme is crucial for the aesthetic appeal of a website. Tools in this category help you choose harmonious color palettes, ensuring your website is not only functional but also visually captivating.

CSS Animations

CSS animations breathe life into web designs. They enhance user experience by providing visual feedback and guiding user interactions in a subtle yet effective way.

CSS Frameworks

CSS frameworks like Bootstrap and Tailwind CSS provide pre-written CSS files that help in creating responsive and consistent designs with minimal effort. They are a boon for rapid prototyping and cross-browser compatibility.

CSS Methodologies

Understanding CSS methodologies such as BEM, OOCSS, and SMACSS is essential for writing clean, maintainable, and scalable code. They provide a structured approach to CSS coding, reducing the complexity in styling large-scale web projects.

Design Inspiration

Staying inspired is key in the creative field of web development. Websites and resources in this category showcase innovative designs, trends, and ideas from talented designers worldwide.

Design Systems & Style Guides

Design systems and style guides ensure consistency and coherence in your web projects. They serve as a reference point for design elements like typography, color, and layout.

Downloadable Design Software

Software like Adobe Photoshop and Sketch is instrumental for creating high-fidelity mockups and assets for your web projects.


Favicons are small, iconic images that represent your website. They are a subtle yet important aspect of brand identity and user experience.

Firefox Extensions

Similar to Chrome extensions, Firefox extensions offer tools and functionalities to enhance your web development workflow, optimized for Mozilla’s browser.


Fonts play a critical role in readability and user experience. Selecting the right font can greatly impact the mood and tone of your website.

HTML & CSS Templates

Templates provide a starting point for building websites. They save time and effort, especially when you need to rapidly prototype or launch a project.

Icon Fonts

Icon fonts are scalable and customizable, making them a popular choice for adding icons to your web project without sacrificing performance.


Icons are an integral part of web design, used for enhancing UI and improving UX by providing visual cues to the users.

Image Compression

Optimizing images is crucial for web performance. Image compression tools help reduce file sizes without compromising quality, ensuring faster load times.


Javascript is the backbone of dynamic web content. It allows you to create interactive and engaging user experiences.

Javascript Animation Libraries

These libraries provide a plethora of options for adding animations to your web projects, making interactions more dynamic and engaging.

Javascript Chart Libraries

Chart libraries are essential for presenting data in an accessible and visually appealing manner.


A logo is the face of your brand. Tools and resources in this category help in designing memorable and impactful logos.

Online Design Tools

These tools offer a convenient platform for designing directly in your browser, ideal for quick edits and collaborations.

Product & Image Mockups

Mockups are crucial for visualizing how your product will look in real-world scenarios, enhancing presentations and pitches.

React Native UI Libraries

These libraries provide ready-to-use components for building native mobile apps using React, streamlining the development process.

React UI Libraries

React UI libraries offer pre-built components that make building interactive UIs faster and more efficient.

Social Media

In today’s digital age, social media plays a vital role in outreach, marketing, and building an online presence.

Stock Music & Sound Effects

These resources are great for adding audio elements to your web projects, enhancing the overall user experience.

Stock Photos

High-quality stock photos can enhance the visual appeal of your website, making it more engaging and professional.

Stock Videos

Stock videos add a dynamic element to your web design, capturing users’ attention and conveying messages effectively.

In Conclusion

This curated collection of web development bookmarks is more than just a list — it’s a gateway to a world of untapped potential and undiscovered techniques. While I have yet to explore each of these tools in depth, I am confident in the value they offer to anyone passionate about web development, regardless of their level of expertise.

As we each journey through the ever-changing landscape of web development, resources like these serve as invaluable companions, guiding us through new challenges and opening doors to innovative solutions. My hope is that this collection not only aids you in your current projects but also inspires you to delve into new areas, experiment with different technologies, and continue your own journey of learning and discovery.

Remember, the field of web development is as vast as it is rewarding, and there’s always something new to learn or an unexplored path to venture down. I encourage you to use these resources as stepping stones to further your understanding, hone your skills, and perhaps even find new passions within this dynamic and exciting domain.

Let’s continue to grow and evolve as developers, supporting one another through shared resources, experiences, and insights. Feel free to dive into this collection, explore at your leisure, and don’t hesitate to share your discoveries and favorites with the community. Together, we can make the journey through the world of web development not just informative but also immensely enjoyable.

Happy exploring!

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