In this article I want to show you the artwork I created for this month's DO Hackathon.
Idea - Potatizer
After reading the requirements and seeing the available categories, I had wanted to do a very stupid application related to potatoes for a long time, so I decided to choose as a category:
Random Roulette: Build a wacky app that doesn’t fit into one of the categories above. Looking for some truly silly and/or fun submissions.
Since the main objective was to have a few laughs and, why not, learn something new while doing it, I thought of creating an application to randomly generate your potato mood of the day.
Illustrator artworks
I started looking for emojis and potato memes for the application. As they didn't look like what I imagined, I decided to create my own with the help of Flaticon and my beloved Illustrator.
Potato emojis
The moods I have prepared for this first version are:
- Laughing
- In love
- Thug life
- Eing
- Crying
- Sick
- Angry
- Sleepy
- COVID mask
Potato background
To give the application a more childlike and fun look I have created this background
and exporting it to svg, I have animated it by playing with opacities and transition begin time:
<animate attributeType="CSS" attributeName="opacity" dur="2.5s" repeatCount="indefinite" values="0.25;1;0.25" begin="2s" />
The final result will be:

SEO assets
Once the basic assets for our application were created, I decided to go ahead and have everything ready to share on social networks and to install the PWA on our device.
So I prepared the favicons for our app, choosing laughing emoji as the logo:
And a card to share on social networks:
To be continued
In the next post, I will tell you about the progress I have been making in terms of the code, in which I am using NuxtJS with its PWA module and with the static SPA mode 🎇
I hope you find the result fun, because doing so is ✨🥔
Top comments (1)
Oh, this looks like fun I look forward to your next posts and seeing this go live.