Sadly, John Horton Conway has passed away. While Conway's contributions to computational mathematics over the years are numerous and eclectic, man...
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I have an implementation that I made on Shadertoy It is very playable-with in a desktop browser (read the code for extensive usage notes). It's somewhat limited in field size, however.
I am so sad and angry that COVID-19 took JHC. I remember him for various things beyond Life, including his analysis of the Rubik's cube, Sprouts, and his work with uniform polychora. He was such a shining light and will be hugely missed.
Here's mine, with a genetic twist: cells have color genes, that are passed from their three parents. It creates a colorful battle of color factions over time, I built it while learning Rust:
Source: github.com/franky47/genetic-life/b...
The greatest solution I've ever seen is written in APL.
If you're anything like me you'll try and implement the same reasoning in a different language.
I am utterly fascinated by APL/J/family. Just need more hours in the week...
Made in Crystal <3
I just started learning Crystal this week! Definitely taking a look, thanks for sharing.
Crystal is amazing. I'm love with that language <3
Very old (7 years ago, every time I comment here I feel older :) and not very efficient:
It's written in QML and if we change the import to at least QtQuickt 2.0 and world width, height to 100, it looks like this:
Here's my Life game. And the repo.
I wrote it 5 years ago when just started my path in frontend development. AngularJS, ES5, script tags, no bundlers...
RIP professor Conway.
I made 2d and 3d versions learning rust with web assembly. Online at gameoflife2d.gklijs.tech/ and gameoflife3d.gklijs.tech/. Code at github.com/gklijs/game-of-life.
Sad news. One of many upcoming, I'm afraid.
Here is a playlist with John Conway interviews made by Numberphile channel
Just recently finished one. Check this out!
demo: krikchaip.github.io/game-of-life
source: github.com/krikchaip/game-of-life
This is a nice, clean implementation! Thanks for sharing.
I wrote Game of Life in JS. Check out the link, you can even play with it
Great implementation, thank you for sharing!
I wrote mine to try using OpenCL, so it uses GPU for simulation, but I didn't bother myself with proper rendering. Also, host language is Rust :)