Powershell music player
In this post will be create a Powershell script that play a list of songs in a folder you specified.
I take the example code form the Music Player v1.0.1 by -Powershell Gallery
This Music player only takes 7.65KB in space.
In RAM like you supposed is between 20MB and 30MB.
First we need to create a Powershell file call what ever you want, i call them "PlayMusic.ps1".
Next start to coding the script, we need to receive 5 parameters:
- Music path
- If is on Shuffle playing mode
- If is on Loop playing mode
- If you want to Stop
- File type of songs
with this parameters now will have all the configuration to start plating music, so you ask how to use this parameters in Powershell, yes!! like this:
Param (
[Alias('P')] [String] $PathMusic,
[Alias('Sh')] [switch] $Shuffle,
[Alias('St')] [Switch] $Stop,
[Alias('L')] [Switch] $Loop,
[Alias('Ft')] [String] $fileType
Next to this at the end of the file we need to put all the logic(right now is a mess) for the terminal input; maybe now works if you put all in one line but i'm no time to try, let's try by yourself's.
If ($Stop. IsPresent) {
Start-MediaPlayer -St $Stop
ElseIf ($PathMusic) {
If ($Shuffle.IsPresent) {
If ($fileType) {
Start-MediaPlayer $ -P $PathMusic -Sh $Shuffle -Ft $fileType
Else {
Start-MediaPlayer $ -P $PathMusic -Sh $Shuffle -Ft ".flac"
ElseIf ($Loop.IsPresent) {
If ($fileType) {
Start-MediaPlayer -P $PathMusic -L $Loop -Ft $fileType
Else {
Start-MediaPlayer -P $PathMusic -L $Loop -Ft ".flac"
Else {
Start-MediaPlayer -P $PathMusic -Ft ".flac"
Else {
Start-MediaPlayer -Ft ".flac"
Like you see in the code i use the ".flac" format as default, because this is my prefered music file type.
Here you have all the complete code for this script it takes 161 code lines.
# Create a playlist of files from folder
[Alias('P')] [String] $PathMusic,
[Alias('Sh')] [switch] $Shuffle,
[Alias('St')] [Switch] $Stop,
[Alias('L')] [Switch] $Loop,
[Alias('Ft')] [String] $fileType
function Start-MediaPlayer {
[Alias('P')] [String] $Path,
[Alias('Sh')] [switch] $Shuffle,
[Alias('St')] [Switch] $Stop,
[Alias('L')] [Switch] $Loop,
[Alias('Ft')] [String] $fileType
If ($Stop.IsPresent) {
Write-Host "Stoping any Already running instance of Media in background."
Get-Job MusicPlayer -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Remove-Job -Force
Else {
#Caches Path for next time in case you don't enter Path to the music directory
If ($Path) {
$Path | out-file C:\Temp\Musicplayer.txt
else {
If ((Get-Content C:\Temp\Musicplayer.txt -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).Length -ne 0) {
Write-Host "You've not provided a music directory, looking for cached information from Previous use."
$Path = Get-Content C:\Temp\Musicplayer.txt
If (-not (Test-Path $Path)) {
Write-Host "Please provide a Path to a music directory.\nFound a cached directory $Path from previous use, but that too isn't accessible!"
# Mark Path as Empty string, If Cached Path doesn't exist
$Path = ''
else {
Write-Host "Please provide a Path to a music directory."
#initialization Script for back ground job
$init = {
# Function to calculate duration of song in Seconds
Function Get-SongDuration($FullName) {
$Shell = New-Object -COMObject Shell.Application
$Folder = $shell.Namespace($(Split-Path $FullName))
$File = $Folder.ParseName($(Split-Path $FullName -Leaf))
[int]$h, [int]$m, [int]$s = ($Folder.GetDetailsOf($File, 27)).split(":")
$h * 60 * 60 + $m * 60 + $s
# Function to Notify Information balloon message in system Tray
Function Show-NotifyBalloon($Message) {
[system.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName('System.Windows.Forms') | Out-Null
$Global:Balloon = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.NotifyIcon
$Balloon.Icon = [System.Drawing.Icon]::ExtractAssociatedIcon((Get-Process -id $pid | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Path))
$Balloon.BalloonTipIcon = 'Info'
$Balloon.BalloonTipText = $Message
$Balloon.BalloonTipTitle = 'Now Playing'
$Balloon.Visible = $true
Function PlayMusic($Path, $Shuffle, $Loop) {
# Calling required assembly
Add-Type -AssemblyName PresentationCore
# Instantiate Media Player Class
$MediaPlayer = New-Object System.Windows.Media.Mediaplayer
# Crunching the numbers and Information
$FileList = Get-ChildItem $Path -Recurse -Include *$fileType* | Select-Object fullname, @{n = 'Duration'; e = { get-songduration $_.fullname } }
$FileCount = $FileList.count
$TotalPlayDuration = [Math]::Round(($FileList.duration | Measure-Object -Sum).sum / 60)
# Condition to identifed the Mode chosed by the user
if ($Shuffle.IsPresent) {
$Mode = "Shuffle"
$FileList = $FileList | Sort-Object { Get-Random } # Find the target Music Files and sort them Randomly
Else {
$Mode = "Sequential"
# Check If user chose to play songs in Loop
If ($Loop.IsPresent) {
$Mode = $Mode + " in Loop"
$TotalPlayDuration = "Infinite"
If ($FileList) {
'' | Select-Object @{n = 'TotalSongs'; e = { $FileCount }; }, @{n = 'PlayDuration'; e = { [String]$TotalPlayDuration + " Mins" } }, @{n = 'Mode'; e = { $Mode } }
else {
Write-Host "No music files found in directory $Path."
Do {
$FileList | ForEach-Object {
$CurrentSongDuration = New-TimeSpan -Seconds (Get-SongDuration $_.fullname)
$Message = "Song : " + $(Split-Path $_.fullname -Leaf) + " `nPlay Duration : $($CurrentSongDuration.Minutes) Mins $($CurrentSongDuration.Seconds) Sec` nMode : $Mode"
$MediaPlayer.Open($_.FullName) # 1. Open Music file with media player
$MediaPlayer.Play() # 2. Play the Music File
Show-NotifyBalloon ($Message) # 3. Show a notification balloon in system tray
Start-Sleep -Seconds $_.duration # 4. Pause the script execution until song completes
$MediaPlayer.Stop() # 5. Stop the Song
$Balloon.Dispose(); $Balloon.visible = $false
}While ($Loop) # Play Infinitely If 'Loop' is chosen by user
# Removes any already running Job, and start a new job, that looks like changing the track
If ($(Get-Job Musicplayer -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
Get-Job MusicPlayer -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Remove-Job -Force
# Run only if Path was Defined or retrieved from cached information
If ($Path) {
Write-Host "Starting a background Job to play Music files"
Start-Job -Name MusicPlayer -InitializationScript $init -ScriptBlock { playmusic $args[0] $args[1] $args[2] } -ArgumentList $Path, $Shuffle, $Loop | Out-Null
Start-Sleep -Seconds 3 # Sleep to allow media player some breathing time to load files
Receive-Job -Name MusicPlayer | Format-Table @{n = 'TotalSongs'; e = { $_.TotalSongs }; alignment = 'left' }, @{n = 'TotalPlayDuration'; e = { $_.PlayDuration }; alignment = 'left' }, @{n = 'Mode'; e = { $_.Mode }; alignment = 'left' } -AutoSize
If ($Stop. IsPresent) {
Start-MediaPlayer -St $Stop
ElseIf ($PathMusic) {
If ($Shuffle.IsPresent) {
If ($fileType) {
Start-MediaPlayer $ -P $PathMusic -Sh $Shuffle -Ft $fileType
Else {
Start-MediaPlayer $ -P $PathMusic -Sh $Shuffle -Ft ".flac"
ElseIf ($Loop.IsPresent) {
If ($fileType) {
Start-MediaPlayer -P $PathMusic -L $Loop -Ft $fileType
Else {
Start-MediaPlayer -P $PathMusic -L $Loop -Ft ".flac"
Else {
Start-MediaPlayer -P $PathMusic -Ft ".flac"
Else {
Start-MediaPlayer -Ft ".flac"
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