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First Hacktoberfest Contribution

Since the beginning of October, we have a new Release assignment, release 0.2 to do. For this assignment, we are going to make some contributions on Github Open Source Appliction.

First Contribution

After watching the videos that our professor provided, I started to search some issues that are "Open" on Github.
However, due to this is the first time I try to work on the open source application outside school. I spent a few hours to find my first issue.

My first Issue

For this assignment, the first issue I found was helping the Github repository owner to solve the horizontal scroll problem. [Issue #19]
Before I fixed this issue, they were having a webpage like this :
Screenshot Before Fixed
There is a horizontal scroll bar at the bottom of the webpage, which is not a good outlook for any web development programmer.

My solution

Because this is a HTML program, it reminded my the knowledge I learned in Web 222. I remembered that I got the same problem when I tried to accomplished my last assignment in Web 222. Therefore, I opened the webpage I made in Web222, and figured out the reason of the horizontal scroll bar. Finally, I realized that this is a simple issue. I just need to add a couple lines of code to the html, body container in the CSS file to fix this issue:
max-width: 100%;
overflow-x: hidden;

After I added these couple lines of code, the webpage is going to look like this(the horizontal scroll gone):
Screenshot After Fixed

My Feelings

This is the first time I contributed to a open source application outside school. Although this is not a complicated issue, I learned a lot from it.
It gives me the courage to continue contributing in the future. In addition, I learned that everything I learned in school will be useful to me somewhere somehow.

Link to the Repo I worked on: [AMIMUN]

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