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Denizhan Dalgıç
Denizhan Dalgıç

Posted on • Originally published at denizhandalgic.Medium

💪 Gain Lean Muscle and Lead a Lean Startup

Do you feel exhausted from investing your time, energy, and money into a business concept only to witness it fail miserably? This is a heartbreaking experience, and regrettably, it happens frequently to business owners.

However, what if there was an alternative? What if you could establish and expand your business without putting everything on the line?

"A healthy mind in a healthy body."
-M. Kemal Ataturk

Physical activity is tightly coupled with brain activity. That's a fact. Exercise and a good diet keep your body healthy. They have various benefits to the processes happening in our bodies every single moment.

I believe if one wants to lead a startup, one needs to have a consistent level of physical activity in their life. You don't need to take my word for it, it's science.

That's what I and my co-founder did while we were growing our mobile games studio. We even became kind of gym buddies.

After this kind of habit is made and one starts gaining lean muscle, one needs to find out how to grow a lean startup. That's where Lean Startup by Eric Ries comes in.

➡️ Learn about the concept of lean startup methodology, which prioritizes experimentation, iteration, and learning from customers, to minimize waste, reduce risk, and increase chances of success.

To apply this approach to your business, understand its core principles and strategies. Eric Ries’ book, The Lean Startup, breaks down these components and offers real-world examples and case studies to demonstrate its effectiveness. This business book provides a fresh perspective on entrepreneurship and innovation, emphasizing the importance of experimentation and customer feedback.

The main points made in the book are:

  1. 🕴️Conventional business planning methods, which involve conducting thorough market research and making long-term plans, are struggling to keep up with the fast-paced and unpredictable nature of the startup industry. The need for quick action and the constantly changing market and technological landscape make traditional strategies ineffective. Startups require a new approach to successfully navigate the challenges and uncertainties of the industry.
  2. 🧪 The Lean Startup approach emphasizes the importance of quick experimentation and iteration to identify and validate the most promising opportunities. This philosophy recognizes that time is a precious resource and a critical factor for success in the dynamic realm of startups. By shortening the traditional timeline of product development and market entry, this approach maximizes the power of agility. In a constantly changing landscape, the ability to pivot swiftly is a valuable asset. Instead of sticking to a static plan that may quickly become obsolete, the Lean Startup methodology promotes a continuous cycle of action, feedback, and refinement. This cycle is not just about progress; it’s also a strategy for resilience. Startups can efficiently test hypotheses and assumptions through rapid experimentation, like sifting through a treasure chest of ideas to discover the gems that hold the most promise.
  3. 📝 A key aspect of the Lean Startup approach is the “minimum viable product” (MVP), which is a simplified version of a product or service that is introduced to the market as quickly as possible to gather feedback and gain insight into customer needs. This idea acknowledges that striving for perfection can impede progress and that waiting for a fully polished product could be a costly error. Instead, the MVP recognizes imperfection as a stepping stone towards perfection. It serves as a model, a preview, and a glimpse of what’s to come. By releasing an MVP, entrepreneurs embark on an exploration journey. It’s like freeing a young bird from its nest, observing how it flies, and understanding where its wings require strengthening. The MVP is the foundation on which customer feedback is expressed, theories are evaluated, and hypotheses are confirmed. It doesn’t need to be loaded with features, it just needs to capture the heart of the idea.
  4. 📊 One of the key ideas in the Lean Startup framework is the “build-measure-learn” feedback loop. This process involves continuously gathering and analyzing data from customer interactions to make iterative improvements to the product or service. By operating in a customer-centric and adaptive manner, startups can stay finely tuned.
  5. 🎤 The Lean Startup approach places great importance on developing and testing hypotheses related to customer needs and market demand. These hypotheses serve as guiding principles, directing the product development process using customer insights as the guiding force.
  6. ✅ The Lean Startup approach aims to quickly identify and capture the most promising opportunities. Rather than wasting time and resources on a product or service that may not resonate with customers, this methodology strives to ensure that all efforts align with genuine customer needs.

Whether you’re starting from scratch or seeking to pivot an existing business, The Lean Startup provides valuable insights to help you make better decisions, more efficiently. Give it a read and your business (and your peace of mind) may benefit.

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